I have almost th the same problem now. Thanks @Bali Balo for the direction and great example.
I just want to show 2-dimentional scroll variant of his code if somebody else needs:
var dropContainers = $(".dropContainer");
drag: function (event, ui) {
dropContainers.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var cOffset = $this.offset();
var bottomPos = cOffset.top + $this.height();
var rightPos = cOffset.left + $this.width();
$this.data('timerScroll', false);
if (event.pageX >= cOffset.left && event.pageX <= cOffset.left + $this.width()) {
if (event.pageY >= bottomPos - triggerZone && event.pageY <= bottomPos) {
var moveDown = function () {
$this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() + scrollSpeed);
$this.data('timerScroll', setInterval(moveDown, 10));
if (event.pageY >= cOffset.top && event.pageY <= cOffset.top + triggerZone) {
var moveUp = function () {
$this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - scrollSpeed);
$this.data('timerScroll', setInterval(moveUp, 10));
if (event.pageY >= cOffset.top && event.pageY <= cOffset.top + $this.height()) {
if (event.pageX >= rightPos - triggerZone && event.pageX <= rightPos) {
var moveRight = function () {
$this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + scrollSpeed);
$this.data('timerScroll', setInterval(moveRight, 10));
if (event.pageX >= cOffset.left && event.pageX <= cOffset.left + triggerZone) {
var moveLeft = function () {
$this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() - scrollSpeed);
$this.data('timerScroll', setInterval(moveLeft, 10));
I added optimization not to search the droppable areas on every drag event - I pre-calculated it before initializing draggable widget. That substantially increased performance and responsiveness of dragging.
One more minor change is that it looks like moveUp and moveDown function names were interchanged ocasionally (I renamed them vise versa).