我有一张表,我在其中记录登录/注销。架构和示例数据:http ://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/e1b35/1

我需要创建存储过程,它将打印用户和日期的(注销登录)时间总和(用户在日期使用应用程序的持续时间)。在列类型中,I 代表登录和 O 注销。



2 回答 2



select l.*,
       (select min(l2.time) from logs l2 where l2.username = l.username and l2.type = 'O' and l2.time > l.time
       ) as logoutTime
from logs l
where l.type = 'I'

现在,您可以使用用户名和 LogoutTime 作为一对聚合来获得您想要的:

select username, logoutTime, min(time) as StartTime, logouttime as EndTime,
       datediff(s, min(time), logoutTime) as TimeInSeconds
from (select l.*,
             (select min(l2.time) from logs l2 where l2.username = l.username and l2.type = 'O' and l2.time > l.time
             ) as logoutTime
      from logs l
      where l.type = 'I'
     ) l
group by username, logoutTime

请注意,您将 SQL Server 指定为标记,但 SQL Fiddle 用于 MySQL;数据库中的日期函数往往不同。

而且,如果您使用的是 SQL Server 2012,还有一种更简单的方法。如果是这种情况,您应该指定。

于 2012-12-10T19:38:40.593 回答

这是 Gordon Linoff 的解决方案,修改后不包括最外层的聚合,并使用更清晰的别名,IMO

select username,time_in,time_out_min,
       datediff(s, time_in, time_out_min) as TimeInSeconds
from (
select i.username, i.time as time_in,
       (select min(o.time) as min_time_out
        from logs o 
        where o.username = i.username and 
        o.type = 'O' and 
        o.time > i.time
       ) as time_out_min
from logs i
where i.type = 'I'
  ) d;
于 2012-12-10T22:02:38.057 回答