默认通信设置为波特率 9600、偶校验、7 个数据位、1 个停止位和无校验和
我将其更改为 19200 的波特率,无奇偶校验,8 个数据位,1 个停止位,并打开校验和:

一个小的 VB6 项目:
'1 form with :
' 1 mscomm control : name=comFX
' 1 command button : name=cmdSend
' 1 textbox : name=txtShow multiline=true
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private mstrData As String
Private mblnBusy As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
With App
Caption = .Title & " " & CStr(.Major) & "." & CStr(.Minor) & "." & CStr(.Revision)
End With 'App
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim sngWidth As Single
Dim sngTxtHeight As Single
Dim sngCmdWidth As Single, sngCmdHeight As Single
sngWidth = ScaleWidth
sngCmdHeight = 315
sngTxtHeight = ScaleHeight - sngCmdHeight
txtShow.Move 0, 0, sngWidth, sngTxtHeight
cmdSend.Move sngCmdWidth, sngTxtHeight, sngWidth, sngCmdHeight
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
ReadReg "D8013", 7 'sec,min,hr,day,month,year,dayofweek
ReadReg "R3310", 10 '10 data registers
End Sub
Private Sub ReadReg(strReg As String, intNr As Integer)
Dim strCmd As String
If NotBusy Then
strCmd = "00FFWR0" & strReg & Right$("00" & Hex$(intNr), 2)
strCmd = Chr$(5) & strCmd & GetSum(strCmd)
With comFX
If .PortOpen = False Then CommOpen
.Output = strCmd
End With 'comFX
mblnBusy = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommOpen()
With comFX
If .PortOpen = True Then .PortOpen = False
.CommPort = 1
.Settings = "19200,N,8,1"
.RThreshold = 1
.PortOpen = True
End With 'comFX
End Sub
Private Function NotBusy() As Boolean
Dim lngTimeout As Long
Dim blnResult As Boolean
blnResult = True
lngTimeout = GetTickCount + 1000 'timeout after being busy for 1 second
Do While mblnBusy
If GetTickCount > lngTimeout Then
blnResult = False
Exit Do
End If
NotBusy = blnResult
End Function
Private Sub comFX_OnComm()
Dim strInput As String
Select Case comFX.CommEvent
Case comEvReceive
strInput = comFX.Input
mstrData = mstrData & strInput
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessData()
'answer : ^02 00FF <data registers 4 characters per reg> ^03
Dim lngStart As Long, lngEnd As Long
Dim strHead As String, strSum As String
Dim strEnd As String
Dim strData As String
lngStart = InStr(mstrData, Chr$(2))
If lngStart > 0 Then
strEnd = Chr$(3)
lngEnd = InStr(lngStart, mstrData, strEnd)
If lngEnd > 0 Then
strHead = Mid$(mstrData, lngStart + 1, 4)
If strHead = "00FF" Then
strData = Mid$(mstrData, lngStart + 1, lngEnd - lngStart)
strSum = Mid$(mstrData, lngEnd + 1, 2)
If CheckSum(strData, strSum) Then
mstrData = Mid$(mstrData, lngEnd + 3)
ShowData Mid$(strData, 5, Len(strData) - 5)
mblnBusy = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function CheckSum(strData As String, strSum As String) As Boolean
If strSum = GetSum(strData) Then
CheckSum = True
CheckSum = False
End If
End Function
Private Function GetSum(strCmd As String) As String
Dim intChar As Integer
Dim lngSum As Long
lngSum = 0
For intChar = 1 To Len(strCmd)
lngSum = lngSum + Asc(Mid$(strCmd, intChar, 1))
Next intChar
GetSum = Right$("00" + Hex$(lngSum), 2)
End Function
Private Sub ShowData(strData As String)
txtShow.SelText = strData & vbCrLf
End Sub
注意不要太快发送命令。每个 plc 周期一次(在我的情况下为 100 毫秒)似乎是极限。
此代码在 VB6 中,但同样适用于 C# 或任何其他语言。如果你想让我用 C# 做一个例子,请联系我。