在我当前的项目中,我们使用 TFS 构建服务器进行持续集成(构建 + 运行单元测试)。我们还有一组编写为 SpecFlow 功能的自动化验收测试。


我们希望以脚本/控制台应用程序或某种现有 CI 工具的形式自动执行此操作。


  1. 询问 TFS 是否有任何新版本
  2. 如果是:从 TFS 获取最新的成功构建
  3. 将应用程序部署到我们的测试机
  4. 针对已部署的构建执行 SpecFlow 测试
  5. 收集结果并将其呈现在某种形式的网页上

是否有任何现有的工具或框架来解决这个问题?我已经阅读了有关现有 CI 服务器的信息,但它们似乎不符合我的描述。如果没有,关于如何以编程方式或使用命令行工具实现步骤 1、2 和 5 的任何建议?


1 回答 1


In my humble opinion TFS is capable of doing everything that you listed without involving any additional tools. What you might need to do is to setup a Lab Environment and use specific Workflow build definition to achieve it. You need also Test controller and test agents. The easiest way might be to setup Standard Lab environment which might act in this way - Build - Deploy - Test workflow

Build got triggered, then got deployed into the lab environment (might be a bunch of either physical or VM machines with installed test agents on them and connected to the Test controller), after that all test are executed and the result is consolidated as a part of the build results.

Hope this helps a bit!


于 2012-12-10T21:35:31.813 回答