我正在尝试在我的 Mac 上从这里编译一个 s-transform python 包装器(Mountain Lion,从 Macports 安装的 gcc45,通过 Enthought 64 位安装的 Python)。

我是科学用户而不是编译器专家,虽然它在我的 Linux 机器上开箱即用(只是更改为intnpy_intp),但我真的不知道如何在我的 Macbook 上到达那里......PyArray_FromDimsPyArray_SimpleNew

所以我构建了这个 Makefile:

PYINCDIR = /Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/Current/include/python2.7
NUMPYDIR = /Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy CFLAGS = -O3 -I$(PYINCDIR) -I$(NUMPYDIR) -fPIC

all: sinemodule.so stmodule.so

sinemodule.so: sinemodule.o     $(CC) -shared -o $@ sinemodule.o

stmodule.so: stmodule.o st.o    $(CC) -shared -o $@ stmodule.o st.o


cc -shared -o sinemodule.so sinemodule.o
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_PyArg_ParseTuple", referenced from:
  _sine_taper_wrap in sinemodule.o
"_PyCObject_AsVoidPtr", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyCObject_Type", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyErr_Format", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyErr_Print", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyErr_SetString", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyExc_AttributeError", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyExc_ImportError", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyExc_RuntimeError", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyImport_ImportModule", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_PyObject_GetAttrString", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
"_Py_InitModule4_64", referenced from:
  _initsine in sinemodule.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [sinemodule.so] Error 1




1 回答 1



首先,正如您所做的那样,您需要找到 python 发行版的 python 和 numpy 包含目录。

在我使用 Anaconda 1.9.1 的情况下,这是

PYINCDIR = /Users/dengemann/anaconda/include/python2.7/include
NUMPYDIR = /Users/dengemann/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/

其次,您不能直接调用 Makefile,但要确保顶级目录中的 setup.py 是正确的。

在我的情况下,'darwin' 没有被明确支持,所以我添加了它。

# linux first
if sys.platform in ['linux2', 'darwin']:
    include_dirs = [os.path.join(NUMPYDIR, r'include/numpy')]
    library_dirs=[] # assume we use default locations

在这些修改运行python setup.py install后,工作和输出看起来符合预期。HTH,丹尼斯

于 2014-04-20T12:27:33.343 回答