
我有以下脚本,基本上,我从 ajax 调用中获取数据,将数据传递给函数,将数据中的 id 存储在全局变量中,因此全局变量可以用于从 jQuery 检索的不同脚本中$.getScript()


该位只是通过 ajax(未显示)获取了一些数据,但它已经存在widget_data.d,它应该getWidgetContent()根据 in 中的数据长度运行函数widget_data.d,在本例中为 3 次迭代:

window.global_widget_id = "";

for ( j = 0; j <= widget_data.d.length - 1; j++ ) {

    getWidgetContent( widget_data.d[j] );



function getWidgetContent( widget ) {


        window.global_widget_id = widget.widget_id;

        $.getScript( "js/script2.js", function() {

            alert( "direct title variable in script1.js: " + widget.title );
            alert( "global variable in script1.js: " + window.global_widget_id );
            alert( "direct variable in script1.js: " + widget.widget_id );

            $( ".widget_header_title_" + widget.widget_id ).append( widget.title );





这是上面函数也传递全局变量的脚本,然后它应该根据全局存储的 id 通过 ajax 获取数据。

var my_widget_id = window.global_widget_id;

alert( "global variable in script2.js " + window.global_widget_id );
alert( "direct variable in script2.js: " + my_widget_id );

// then do some more ajax stuff with global_widget_id before repeating the loop again.


global variable in script2.js: 66
direct variable in script2.js: 66
direct title variable in script1.js: title for 57 goes here
global variable in script1.js 66
direct variable in script1.js 57

global variable in script2.js: 66
direct variable in script2.js: 66
direct title variable in script1.js: title for 65 goes here
global variable in script1.js 66
direct variable in script1.js 65

global variable in script2.js: 66
direct variable in script2.js: 66
direct title variable in script1.js: title for 66 goes here
global variable in script1.js 66
direct variable in script1.js: 66


global variable in script2.js: 57
direct variable in script2.js: 57
direct title variable in script1.js: title for 57 goes here
global variable in script1.js 57
direct variable in script1.js 57

global variable in script2.js: 65
direct variable in script2.js: 65
direct title variable in script1.js: title for 65 goes here
global variable in script1.js 65
direct variable in script1.js 65

global variable in script2.js: 66
direct variable in script2.js: 66
direct title variable in script1.js: title for 66 goes here
global variable in script1.js 66
direct variable in script1.js: 66


基于这个网站,我可以创建一个generator function. 这是一个模板:

(function(variable) {
  return function() {
    // do something with variable 


for ( j = 0; j <= widget_data.d.length - 1; j++ ) {

    var the_data = widget_data.d[j];

    (function(the_data ) {
      return function() {
        getWidgetContent( the_data  );





2 回答 2



(function(the_data ) {
  return function() { // you will return a function, it will not get called.
    getWidgetContent( the_data  );
})(the_data); // the (the_data) means you call the first function with the_data as parameter.


(function(the_data ) {
  return getWidgetContent( the_data  );
// this will call your anonymous function with the_data as parameter, giving closure.

但据我所知,这不是你唯一关心的问题。打印 script1.js 输出的成功函数在 script2.js 运行后调用,并且可能在加载循环之后调用。

编辑: 在加载 script2.js 时,您已将全局变量设置为 3 次,分别为 57、65、66,但由于您覆盖它,script2.js 只能看到最后一个值 66。您的循环比脚本下载,这是异步的。

我认为你应该做的是将你的 script2 代码放在一个函数中,并从 script1 成功回调中调用它,并将小部件作为参数。

function getWidgetContent( widget ) {


    window.global_widget_id = widget.widget_id;

    $.getScript( "js/script2.js", function(inner_widget) {
        return function() {
          // this is the function that will get called as the callback.
          alert( "direct title variable in script1.js: " + inner_widget.title );
          alert( "global variable in script1.js: " + window.global_widget_id );
          alert( "direct variable in script1.js: " + inner_widget.widget_id );
          // inner_widget is the parameter, so it is in a closure
          $( ".widget_header_title_" + inner_widget.widget_id ).append( inner_widget.title );
          //make your call to script2.js if you want.
    //we call the generator function with the widget to get closure.
于 2012-12-10T14:17:14.677 回答


for ( j = 0; j <= widget_data.d.length - 1; j++ ) {

  var the_data = widget_data.d[j];

  (function(the_data) {
    getWidgetContent( the_data );




于 2012-12-10T14:38:19.180 回答