我在 MySQL 中有两个相同(几乎)的数据库,但在两台不同的服务器上,我需要从数据库 1 导出Delta并将其导入数据库 2,架构具有 M:N 关系,那么完成这项繁忙任务的最佳方法是什么. 是否有任何迁移工具可以在其上施加某些条件并使其保持数据的完整性?


1 回答 1


I don't seen any free tool to sync dbs for your situation. SQLYog can sync db's but with full tables. But You can use SQLYog to created insert.sql files for selected rows and dump them to other db.

  1. run query.
  2. press ctrl + shift + E. wizard comes to save selected data.
  3. select sql option
  4. select only data option
  5. select file to save and click export.
  6. now import the created sql into the target db.
于 2012-12-10T13:00:59.933 回答