我一直在测试两种不同的高斯混合 (MOG) 背景减法实现。一个是使用 opncv2.1.0,cvCreateGaussianBGModel + cvUpdateBGStatModel,另一个是使用 opencv 2.4.3,BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 类。
Now, 2.4.3 provide a parameter called bShadowDetect, to identify the shadow area by gray color. But my experience with this implementation is, it does not provide the accuracy of shadow detection. It varies according to the parameter fTau. The other issue with this implementation is performance hit. For 640 X 480 resolution video, it is generating below 5 fps, By switching to release mode of project I get improvement upto 7 to 8 FPS.
The another implementation of MOG is using 2.1.0. I have configured GaussianBG state Model 's paramenters and then I am calling cvUpdateBGStatModel each time I receive a new frame.
For performance improvement, I have converted my frames to gray frames before I send it for state update. My best performance till now is using opencv 2.1.0 and which is around 30 FPS for 640 X 480 resolution frames. So, currently I am preferring opencv 2.1.0 version's MOG for background subtraction. But Here I come to face the issue of shadow removal. Here, I want to detect only moving object. that is without shadow, and draw a rectangle to highlight.
Any help in this context will be grateful.