

例如值<span id="total_f">210</span>

顺便说一句.21,它是 %21%,所以我们需要让它.21乘以它并得到总数。btwVAT荷兰

如果你看到 jqueryvar get_total我确实乘以mul



   var sum = 0;
        sum += parseInt($(this).val());

   var mul = parseInt($('input[name=total_f]').val());

   var get_total = mul * parseInt($('input[name=btw]').val());


我的 html

<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
        <td><strong>Sub Total</strong></td>
            if ( $get_total_computation['currency'] == 'euro' ) {
                $msg_tot = '&euro;';
            } elseif ( $get_total_computation['currency'] == 'usd' ) {
                $msg_tot = '&#36;';
            echo $msg_tot;

            <span id="total_f"></span>
            <input type="hidden" name="total_f" value="" />
            echo $get_total_computation['quo_btw'];
            $get_per = explode( '%', $get_total_computation['quo_btw']);
            <input type="hidden" name="btw" value=".<?=$get_per[0];?>" />
            <span id="s_btw"></span>
            <input type="hidden" name="s_btw" value="" />

2 回答 2



于 2012-12-10T09:12:43.223 回答

如果您将 HTML 更新为这样的内容(这对 JS 的性能会更好):

<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <td><strong>Sub Total</strong></td>
        // cleaner way to do what you
        // were trying to do here before
        $currencies = array(
          'euro' => '&euro;', 
          'usd' => '&#36;'
        echo $currencies[$get_total_computation['currency']];
      <span id="total_f">
        <input type="hidden" name="total_f" />
          <?php echo $get_total_computation['quo_btw']; ?>
            removed the hidden input that was here as it's not 
            necessary unless you need to submit the btw value 
            with the form? 
          <span id="s_btw">
            <input type="hidden" name="s_btw" data-btw="<?php echo $get_total_computation['quo_btw']; ?>" />
      <td><?php echo $btw; ?></td>


$(document).ready(function() {
  var $subTotal = $('#total_f'),
      $total = $('#s_btw'), 
      subTotal = 0,
      total, btw;

  $('input[name=sumof]').each(function() {
    // can multiply by 1 to convert to
    // number instead of using parseInt();
    subTotal += (this.value * 1);

  // btw is stored in #s_btw's data attr so 
  // we can get to it like this, remove the % 
  // symbol and multiply by 1 to convert to
  // a number instead of using parseInt();
  btw = ($total.data('btw').replace('%', '') * 1);

  // total is subTotal + 21% of subTotal so:
  total = subTotal + ((subTotal * btw) / 100);

  // update the UI
于 2012-12-10T09:47:52.737 回答