应用程序验证程序代码 enter code here:潜在泄漏。1 个项目(1000 字节)在 0x2f356b78 (nk.exe:80077408) 调用堆栈:(nk.exe:80077408) 泄漏项目:(nk.exe:80077408) 0x001d3860 1000 字节,线程:0x769eabe6,检查点 0 (nk.exe:80077408) ) 总计:1000 字节

  Above is the Application verifier log for an application.How to interpret it?
  WHat is the difference between 0x2f356b78
  and  0x001d3860.

1 回答 1


Those values are addresses. They indicate where the leak occurred. The easiest way to translate those values in to something useful is to point App Verifier to the PDB file for your application.

This article describes how to use App Verifier: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446904.aspx

于 2012-12-10T20:38:48.580 回答