

1)如何通过汇编语言分配对齐的内存块,就像我们在 C/C++ 中经常做的那样?

2) 是否有一些 asm 数学库涵盖了一些基本的数学运算/函数,例如我们可以在标准 C/C++ 数学库/头文件等中找到的这些?


1 回答 1

  1. In Assembly, it is up to you and the OS. Allocating memory in Windows, you would use the Heap* or Virtual* memory API functions. In Linux, you need to change the program break to allocate memory.

  2. Math libraries?!?! We use Assembly to learn how to do things on our own, that is the fun part - experimenting and learning. If you want to use libraries, just use C/C++ otherwise search for math libraries.

于 2012-12-10T04:55:30.190 回答