我正在使用带有 Jquery UI 的 jquery fileupload 插件
当前,如果我覆盖了主文件中的设置 jquery.fileupload-ui.js
var parentWidget = ($.blueimpFP || $.blueimp).fileupload;
$.widget('blueimpUI.fileupload', parentWidget, {
options: {
// By default, files added to the widget are uploaded as soon
// as the user clicks on the start buttons. To enable automatic
// uploads, set the following option to true:
autoUpload: true,
//sequentialUploads, true,
// The following option limits the number of files that are
// allowed to be uploaded using this widget:
maxNumberOfFiles: undefined,
// The maximum allowed file size:
maxFileSize: 20000000,
// The minimum allowed file size:
minFileSize: undefined,
有什么办法可以在我的 html 模板中覆盖它,以便我可以对不同的 html 页面进行不同的自定义
我的意思是一些 javvscript 代码,我可以将其放入覆盖默认设置的模板中