var currentTrip;
var originalClose;
function getOrig(){
return $.colorbox.close;
originalClose = getOrig();
function openTripModal(tripModal)
$.colorbox.close = originalClose;
html: tripModal,
onComplete: function(){
html: createTripSlideshow(currentTrip.id),
onComplete: function(){
thumbs$ = $('.trip-thumbnails')
mode: "horizontal",
buildArrows : false, // If true, builds the forwards and backwards buttons
buildNavigation : false, // If true, builds a list of anchor links to link to each panel
buildStartStop : false, // If true, builds the start/stop button autoPlay: true,
width: 138,
height: 80,
hashTags: false,
showMultiple: 6,
changeBy: 1,
animationTime: 0
thumbs = thumbs$.data('AnythingSlider');
slider$ = $('.trip-slideshow')
mode: "horizontal",
buildArrows : false, // If true, builds the forwards and backwards buttons
buildNavigation : false, // If true, builds a list of anchor links to link to each panel
buildStartStop : false, // If true, builds the start/stop button autoPlay: true,
width: 570,
hashTags: false,
height: 380,
onSlideComplete : function()
slideTemp = slider$.data('AnythingSlider');
$('.slideshow-title .slide-number').text( slideTemp.currentPage + " / " + slideTemp.pages );
slider = slider$.data('AnythingSlider');
$(".slideshow-wrap .next-arrow").click(function(){
if( !slider.playing )
slider.startStop( slider.playing );
$(".slideshow-wrap .prev-arrow").click(function(){
if( !slider.playing )
slider.startStop( slider.playing );
$(".slideshow-wrap .slides-play").click(function(){
var play = slider.playing;
slider.startStop( !play );
$.colorbox.close = function(){
var modal = createTripModal(currentTrip);
openTripModal ( modal );
var len = this.src.length;
var index = this.src.substring( len - 6, len - 4 );
index = parseInt(index, 10);
$('.trip-thumbnails').anythingSlider( index );
$('.trip-slideshow').anythingSlider( index );
);// end photos modal
var formHtml = createFormHtml(currentTrip);
html: formHtml,
onComplete: function()
$.colorbox.close = function(){
var modal = createTripModal(currentTrip);
openTripModal ( modal );
$('.trip-information-request .cancel').click(function()
$('.trip-information-request form').validate(
rules: {
f_firstname: "required",
f_lastname: "required",
f_email: "required email",
f_phone: "required"
messages: {
f_firstname: "Please provide your first name",
f_lastname: "Please provide your last name",
required: "Please enter your email",
email: "Please enter a valid email"
f_phone: "Please provide your phone number"
submitHandler: function( )
//submit code
alert("validation successully passed");
var thankYou =" <div class='trip-information-request'>\
<p class='trip-thank-you-header'>Thank you!</p>\
<p class='trip-thank-you'>\
We've received your email and will respond within 2 business days.\
<p class='trip-thank-you'>\
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at 1.xxx.xxx.xxxx.\
<div class='trip-thank-you return'>\
return to trips\
$.colorbox({html:thankYou, onComplete: function(){ $('.trip-thank-you.return').click(function(){ $.colorbox.close();}); }});
$('.trip-information-request .submit').click(function(){$('.trip-information-request form').submit(); $.colorbox.resize(); });
}//end oncomplete function