<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>UDP Chat</title>
<!-- including JQuery just to simplify things -->
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="javascript/text">
var chat_room_id = undefined;
var last_received = 0;
* Initialize chat:
* - Set the room id
* - Generate the html elements (chat box, forms & inputs, etc)
* - Sync with server
* @param chat_room_id the id of the chatroom
* @param html_el_id the id of the html element where the chat html should be placed
* @return
function init_chat(chat_id, html_el_id) {
chat_room_id = chat_id;
* Asks the server which was the last message sent to the room, and stores it's id.
* This is used so that when joining the user does not request the full list of
* messages, just the ones sent after he logged in.
* @return
function sync_messages() {
type: 'POST',
data: {id:window.chat_room_id},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (json) {
last_received = json.last_message_id;
setTimeout("get_messages()", 2000);
* Generate the Chat box's HTML and bind the ajax events
* @param target_div_id the id of the html element where the chat will be placed
function layout_and_bind(html_el_id) {
// layout stuff
var html = '<div id="chat-messages-container">'+
'<div id="chat-messages"> </div>'+
'<div id="chat-last"> </div>'+
'<form id="chat-form">'+
'<input name="message" type="text" class="message" />'+
'<input type="submit" value="Say"/>'+
// event stuff
$("#chat-form").submit( function () {
var $inputs = $(this).children('input');
var values = {};
$inputs.each(function(i,el) {
values[el.name] = $(el).val();
values['chat_room_id'] = window.chat_room_id;
data: values,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'post',
url: '/chat/send/'
$('#chat-form .message').val('');
return false;
* Gets the list of messages from the server and appends the messages to the chatbox
function get_messages() {
type: 'POST',
data: {id:window.chat_room_id, offset: window.last_received},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (json) {
var scroll = false;
// first check if we are at the bottom of the div, if we are, we shall scroll once the content is added
var $containter = $("#chat-messages-container");
if ($containter.scrollTop() == $containter.attr("scrollHeight") - $containter.height())
scroll = true;
// add messages
$.each(json, function(i,m){
if (m.type == 's')
$('#chat-messages').append('<div class="system">' + replace_emoticons(m.message) + '</div>');
else if (m.type == 'm')
$('#chat-messages').append('<div class="message"><div class="author">'+m.author+'</div>'+replace_emoticons(m.message) + '</div>');
else if (m.type == 'j')
$('#chat-messages').append('<div class="join">'+m.author+' has joined</div>');
else if (m.type == 'l')
$('#chat-messages').append('<div class="leave">'+m.author+' has left</div>');
last_received = m.id;
// scroll to bottom
if (scroll)
$("#chat-messages-container").animate({ scrollTop: $("#chat-messages-container").attr("scrollHeight") }, 500);
// wait for next
setTimeout("get_messages()", 2000);
* Tells the chat app that we are joining
function chat_join() {
async: false,
type: 'POST',
data: {chat_room_id:window.chat_room_id},
* Tells the chat app that we are leaving
function chat_leave() {
async: false,
type: 'POST',
data: {chat_room_id:window.chat_room_id},
// attach join and leave events
// emoticons
var emoticons = {
'>:D' : 'emoticon_evilgrin.png',
':D' : 'emoticon_grin.png',
'=D' : 'emoticon_happy.png',
':\\)' : 'emoticon_smile.png',
':O' : 'emoticon_surprised.png',
':P' : 'emoticon_tongue.png',
':\\(' : 'emoticon_unhappy.png',
':3' : 'emoticon_waii.png',
';\\)' : 'emoticon_wink.png',
'\\(ball\\)' : 'sport_soccer.png'
* Regular expression maddness!!!
* Replace the above strings for their img counterpart
function replace_emoticons(text) {
$.each(emoticons, function(char, img) {
re = new RegExp(char,'g');
// replace the following at will
text = text.replace(re, '<img src="/media/img/silk/'+img+'" />');
return text;
<div id="chat">
<script type="text/javascript">
var chat_id = 1;
init_chat({{ chat_id }}, "chat");
ReferenceError: init_chat is not defined
init_chat({{ chat_id }}, "chat");