我在 Ruby 中有以下代码:
Comment.select("comments.*, COALESCE(SUM(votes.value), 0) AS rating,
user_votes.value AS user_value").
joins("LEFT JOIN votes ON votes.voteable_type = '"+type+"' AND votes.voteable_id = comments.id").
joins("LEFT JOIN votes AS user_votes ON user_votes.voteable_type = '"+type+"' AND user_votes.voteable_id = comments.id AND user_votes.user_id = #{user_id}").
当 Rails 生成这个 SQL 查询时,它不包括完整的 select 语句:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, comments.id AS comments_id FROM `comments`
LEFT JOIN votes ON votes.voteable_type = 'reply' AND votes.voteable_id = comments.id
LEFT JOIN votes AS user_votes ON user_votes.voteable_type = 'reply' AND
user_votes.voteable_id = comments.id AND user_votes.user_id = 1 WHERE (commentable_id =
1 AND commentable_type = 'Impression')
GROUP BY comments.id ORDER BY comments.rating DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0
但是,如果我删除了 group 语句,那么它会正确地包含完整的 select 语句。这是怎么回事?