我想在 tkinter 中输入一些数字:18 64 22 5 42 40 48 20 49 33 61 39 62 71。我希望它们看起来像 [18,64,22,5,42,40....]
101 次
4 回答
Use text.split()
to make a list of strings. The split method will by default split on whitespace. If you want a list of ints, you could use map(int, text.split())
In [6]: text = '18 64 22 5 42 40 48 20 49 33 61 39 62 71'
In [7]: text.split()
Out[7]: ['18', '64', '22', '5', '42', '40', '48', '20', '49', '33', '61', '39', '62', '71']
In [8]: map(int, text.split())
Out[8]: [18, 64, 22, 5, 42, 40, 48, 20, 49, 33, 61, 39, 62, 71]
And to show how it can be used with Tkinter:
import Tkinter as tk
class App(object):
def read_entry(self, event):
entry = event.widget
text = entry.get()
print(map(int, text.split()))
def __init__(self):
entry = tk.Entry()
entry.bind('<Return>', self.read_entry)
root = tk.Tk()
app = App()
于 2012-12-09T16:10:44.690 回答
你可以使用 list comprehension
In [1]: strs="18 64 22 5 42 40 48 20 49 33 61 39 62 71"
In [2]: [int(x) for x in strs.split()]
Out[2]: [18, 64, 22, 5, 42, 40, 48, 20, 49, 33, 61, 39, 62, 71]
于 2012-12-09T16:25:15.530 回答
map(int, string_numbers.split())
when string_numbers
is your space-separated list of numbers.
于 2012-12-09T16:11:15.457 回答
精确输出 [18,64,22,5,42,40....] 的函数
def format_nrs(nr_str, n=6):
nrs = nr_str.split()
s = ",".join(nrs[:n])
if n >= len(nrs):
return "[%s]" % s
return "[%s...]" %s
用法 :
n_str = "18 64 22 5 42 40 48 20 49 33 61 39 62 71"
print format_nrs(n_str)
print format_nrs(n_str, 10)
print format_nrs(n_str, 14)
于 2012-12-09T17:41:42.217 回答