我正在寻找用于联合 id 服务或云 sso 的 Rails API。我一直在玩这个想法。关于 CAS 和omniauth,但对于企业级应用程序来说,如果它可以在小型企业可能使用的所有应用程序中统一身份验证会更好。


1 回答 1


There's many different options for a Federated ID using Rails. Gatekeeper is a very good one that I've heard about and most people I know talk about.

Another one that is very young compared to other is oPro which basically simulates OAuth 2 on your Rails App you can find it here oPro.

In my opinion and experience working with federated IDs in enterprise projects I'd suggest looking into implementing it yourself which is just a matter of following the documentation of whichever one you choose.

于 2012-12-09T16:10:17.840 回答