

- if environment == 'development'
    / Development Code
    = javascript_include_tag "Dev.js"

我试图访问 Ruby 的环境变量,以及在config.rb文件中定义一个自定义变量,但没有成功。


3 回答 3



- if environment == :development
    / Development Code
    = javascript_include_tag "Dev.js"

Middleman 还添加了development?build?可能更易于使用的方法:

- if development?
    / Development Code
    = javascript_include_tag "Dev.js"

这也适用于 ERB:

<% if development? %>
<!-- Development Code -->
<%= javascript_include_tag "Dev.js" %>
<% end %>
于 2012-12-09T16:57:59.207 回答

First, if possible, you should separate the logic from the data. Determine your environment in your controller, and toggle the data being sent to the view (HAML layout file).

Typically you'd set a flag in your environment variables and access it in your code from ENV. For instance, Sinatra makes the development/test/production setting available inside the code using their RACK_ENV symbol:

:environment - configuration/deployment environment A symbol
specifying the deployment environment; typically set to one of
:development, :test, or :production. The :environment defaults to the
value of the RACK_ENV environment variable (ENV['RACK_ENV']), or
:development when no RACK_ENV environment variable is set.

The environment can be set explicitly:

set :environment, :production

If you have to roll your own, that's a good way to go about it.

于 2012-12-09T15:49:39.160 回答

使用中间人默认创建的 :environment 符号: http ://rubydoc.info/github/middleman/middleman/Middleman/Application#environment-instance_method

结合 haml - 您可以执行以下操作:

= javascript_include_tag "Dev.js" unless :environment == "developement"

请注意,中间人构建过程将 :environment 值更改为“构建”

你也可以使用开发?测试你是否在开发:http ://rubydoc.info/github/middleman/middleman/Middleman/Application#development%3F-instance_method

以上所有内容都适用于中间人 3.0.6,可能不适用于较小的版本(肯定不适用于 2.x)

于 2012-12-09T19:47:55.727 回答