I have class Menu, it's a self to self with manytoone and onetomany relational.

package models;

import java.util.*;
import javax.persistence.*;
import play.db.ebean.*;
import play.data.format.*;
import play.data.validation.*;
import static play.data.validation.Constraints.*;
import javax.validation.*;

import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonBackReference;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonManagedReference;

import com.avaje.ebean.*;
import play.i18n.Messages;
public class Menu extends Model {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
public Long id;

public String name;

public String url;

public boolean hasChild() {
    return url.isEmpty();

public Integer idx;

@Formats.DateTime(pattern = "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss")
public Date created;

public boolean enabled;

public Menu parent;

public List<Menu> children;

public static Model.Finder<Long, Menu> find = new Model.Finder<Long, Menu>(Long.class, Menu.class);

public static List<Menu> findTops() {
    return find.where().eq("parent_id", null).eq("enabled", true).orderBy("idx asc").findList();

public static List<Menu> findChildsByParent(Menu parent) {
    return findChildsByParent(parent, true);

public static List<Menu> findChildsByParent(Menu parent, boolean enabled) {
    return find.where().eq("parent_id", parent.id).eq("enabled", enabled).orderBy("idx asc").findList();

public static boolean hasChilds(Menu parent) {
    return hasChilds(parent, true);

public static boolean hasChilds(Menu parent, boolean enabled) {
    return find.where().eq("parent_id", parent.id).eq("enabled", enabled).findList().size() > 0;

public static Page<Menu> findPage(int page, int size) {
    return find.findPagingList(size).getPage(page - 1);

public Menu() {

In Controller code is :

public static Result menuJson() {
    if (menus == null) {
        menus = Menu.find.all();

    JsonNode json = new ObjectMapper().valueToTree(menus);

    return ok(json);

Error details is:

[RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Query threw SQLException:Unknown column 't1.menu_id' in 'on clause' Bind values:[1] Query was: select t0.id c0 , t1.id c1, t1.name c2, t1.url c3, t1.idx c4, t1.created c5, t1.enabled c6, t1.parent_id c7 from menu t0 left outer join menu t1 on t1.menu_id = t0.id where t0.id = ? order by t0.id (through reference chain: com.avaje.ebean.common.BeanList[0]->models.Menu["children"])] 

It's there have good solution to solve them or how to declare a custom serialize? For the tree model i don't have good object to class design,is't there a better design for this env.?

Jquery Dynamic Table. Adding a div for each cell to make it draggable

I am trying to create a dynamic table using JQuery.

Right now, I want each cell to be a div but I am not sure how I should go about doing it.

My ultimate goal is wanting each element to be draggable and changing them to be a div seems like a good idea.

Please do suggest any possible ways of doing it or how I could go about changing each cell to be a div so I could make it draggable.

This are the relevant codes.

//create table function
function createDynamicTable(tbody, rows, cols) {
if(tbody == null || tbody.length < 1) return;
for(var r=1; r<=rows; r++){
  var trow=$("<tr>");
  for(var c=1; c<=cols; c++){
//first column data
    if (c==1){

        .data("col", c)

        .data("col", c)

        .data("col", c)

        .data("col", c)

        .data("col", c)

        .data("col", c)

        .data("col", c)

        .data("col", c)

   //for first row
            .data("col", c)
            .data("col", c)

            .data("col", c)
            .data("col", c)
            .data("col", c)
            var cellText = "Cell " + r + "." + c
            .data("col", c)


1 回答 1


I solve them.

Add a mapped on OneToMany is works.

package models;

import java.util.*;
import javax.persistence.*;
import play.db.ebean.*;
import play.data.format.*;
import play.data.validation.*;
import static play.data.validation.Constraints.*;
import javax.validation.*;

import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonBackReference;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonManagedReference;

import com.avaje.ebean.*;
import play.i18n.Messages;

public class Menu extends Model {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    public Long id;

    public String name;

    public String url;

    public boolean hasChild() {
        return url.isEmpty();

    public Integer idx;

    @Formats.DateTime(pattern = "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss")
    public Date created;

    public boolean enabled;

    public Menu parent;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent", cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
    public List<Menu> children;

    public static Model.Finder<Long, Menu> find = new Model.Finder<Long, Menu>(Long.class, Menu.class);

    public static List<Menu> findTops() {
        return find.where().eq("parent_id", null).eq("enabled", true).orderBy("idx asc").findList();

    public static List<Menu> findChildsByParent(Menu parent) {
        return findChildsByParent(parent, true);

    public static List<Menu> findChildsByParent(Menu parent, boolean enabled) {
        return find.where().eq("parent_id", parent.id).eq("enabled", enabled).orderBy("idx asc").findList();

    public static boolean hasChilds(Menu parent) {
        return hasChilds(parent, true);

    public static boolean hasChilds(Menu parent, boolean enabled) {
        return find.where().eq("parent_id", parent.id).eq("enabled", enabled).findList().size() > 0;

    public static Page<Menu> findPage(int page, int size) {
        return find.findPagingList(size).getPage(page - 1);

    public Menu() {
于 2012-12-09T07:45:10.463 回答