我在 Windows Azure 网站中使用 ASP.NET Web.Api 托管 REST 端点。我想允许从移动设备对这个 api 进行身份验证访问。Azure 移动服务似乎具有简单的身份验证提供程序以及推送通知等其他好处。

将两者结合使用的有效策略是什么,即托管 REST 端点的网站和进行身份验证和推送通知的移动服务?


1 回答 1


Before you think about anything ahead, CRUD operations which are initiated from the app only receive push notifications, for example, if you manually enter tuples in a database or through code, they won't execute the server scripts and thus no notifications will be send.

About authentication, you may send a token(can be primitive, do not expect to hash or encrypt, if however you use a database to store hashes) once mobile services authenticate your user and then only call the web api's. The thing is the server scripts are fairly limited and can't perform hashing, encryption or other computes which you may expect.

于 2012-12-09T07:39:20.550 回答