我正在执行一个 VB 函数来对不同类别的指定时间段内的累积金额进行排序。目标是人事账户费用。
例如,我在 A 列中的工作表“tmp”中有一些日期,在 B 列中有一个类别(例如薪水,运输......),在 C 列中有值。
Function Cumulatif(Categorie As String, Debut As Date, Fin As Date) As Double
' Do the sum of a category between a starting and ending date specified
Dim Operations As Variant
Dim SpecificSum As Double
Dim i As Integer
Operations = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("tmp").Range("A1:C3")
For Each Row In Operations.Rows
SpecificSum = 0
Cumulatif = SpecificSum
End Function