
我通过复制该站点,用 Orchard 1.6 升级了 Orchard 1.4 站点。我以前没有菜单,但现在正在添加菜单,并且正在尝试添加内容菜单项。当我单击管理应用程序导航区域中的添加按钮时,出现以下错误。知道如何解决这个问题吗?

A 'script' named 'ContentPicker' could not be found.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: A 'script' named 'ContentPicker' could not be found.

Source Error: 

Line 13:     <meta charset="utf-8" />
Line 14:     <title>@Html.Title(title, siteName)</title> 
Line 15:     @Display(Model.Head)
Line 16:     <script>(function(d){d.className="dyn"+d.className.substring(6,d.className.length);})(document.documentElement);</script> 
Line 17: </head> 

1 回答 1


Since you upgraded by copying over the site and leaving the same database, some of the modules that would be enabled by default installation are left disabled.

One of those modules is ContentPicker. So, you just need to enable the module..

于 2012-12-08T19:47:06.307 回答