- 是否有执行此操作的库函数?
- 如何改进此代码?(我是 Haskell 初学者,所以即使有库函数也很有用)。
import System.Random
-- | Take a random sample without replacement of size size from a list.
takeRandomSample :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
takeRandomSample seed size xs
| size < hi = subset xs rs
| otherwise = error "Sample size must be smaller than population."
rs = randomSample seed size lo hi
lo = 0
hi = length xs - 1
getOneRandomV g lo hi = randomR (lo, hi) g
rsHelper size lo hi g x acc
| x `notElem` acc && length acc < size = rsHelper size lo hi new_g new_x (x:acc)
| x `elem` acc && length acc < size = rsHelper size lo hi new_g new_x acc
| otherwise = acc
where (new_x, new_g) = getOneRandomV g lo hi
-- | Get a random sample without replacement of size size between lo and hi.
randomSample seed size lo hi = rsHelper size lo hi g x [] where
(x, g) = getOneRandomV (mkStdGen seed) lo hi
subset l = map (l !!)