我有一个 Collection 的子类,OrderedCollection,它完全在它自己的头文件中声明了这些函数。然后我在 OrderedCollection 的源文件中定义了那些完全相同的函数。
类 Collection.h
class Collection {
virtual Collection& add(int i, int index) = 0; //pure virtual
virtual Collection& remove(int i) = 0; //pure virtual
virtual Collection& operator=(const Collection& other)=0; //pure virtual
virtual int& operator[](int i) = 0; //pure virtual
Collection& iterate(void (*pFunc)()); //Function takes pointer to function as argument
bool contains(int i);
virtual Collection& copy();
virtual ~Collection();
int size() { return size; }
int capacity() { return capacity; }
//virtual void swap(Collection& other);
std::vector collectionVec;
int size;
int capacity;
派生类 OrderedCollection.h:
class OrderedCollection : public Collection
OrderedCollection& add(int i, int index);
OrderedCollection& remove(int i);
OrderedCollection& operator=(const OrderedCollection& other);
int& operator[](int i);
//OrderedCollection::OrderedCollection(int pFirst, int pLast, int pSize, int pCapacity, std::vector<int> passedVec);
//OrderedCollection(const OrderedCollection& other); //Copy constructor
virtual ~OrderedCollection();
virtual OrderedCollection& copy(OrderedCollection& passedCollection);
//int* first;
//int* last;
int first;
int last;
OrderedCollection& grow(); //Utility Function
aaand OrderedCollection.cpp:
#include "OrderedCollection.h"
OrderedCollection& OrderedCollection::add(int i, int index){
if(size == capacity){ //If vector is full
return *this;
OrderedCollection& OrderedCollection::remove(int i){
if(first <= last){
for(int j = first; j <= last; j++){
if(collectionVec.at(j) == i){
/*for(int j = 0; j < collectionVec.size(); j++){
if(collectionVec.at(j) == i)
} */
return *this;
OrderedCollection& OrderedCollection::operator=(const OrderedCollection& other){
if (this != &other) // protect against invalid self-assignment
// 1: allocate new memory and copy the elements
std::vector<int> *new_vector = new std::vector<int>(other.capacity);
std::copy(other.collectionVec, other.collectionVec + other.capacity, new_vector);
// 2: deallocate old memory
// 3: assign the new memory to the object
collectionVec = *new_vector;
size = other.size; //wtf
capacity = other.capacity; //wtf
delete new_vector;
// by convention, always return *this
return *this;
int& OrderedCollection::operator[](int i){ //is return type correct? It makes more sense to have a return type of int or int&, right?
int temp = 0;
if(first <= last){
if(collectionVec.at(first + i) != NULL){ //Need to redo this
return collectionVec.at(first + i);
return temp;
OrderedCollection::OrderedCollection() : Collection()
//first = &collectionVec.at(2);
//last = &collectionVec.at(1);
//Crossed at construction
first = 2;
last = 1;
//first = NULL;
//last = NULL;
OrderedCollection& OrderedCollection::grow(){
int newFirst = capacity / 2;
std::vector<int> *new_vector = new std::vector<int>(2 * capacity);
std::copy(collectionVec, collectionVec+size, new_vector->begin() + newFirst); //Want to return iterator pointing to
collectionVec = new_vector;
first = newFirst;
last = first + size;
capacity = collectionVec.size;
delete new_vector;
return *this;
OrderedCollection& OrderedCollection::copy(OrderedCollection& passedCollection){
OrderedCollection* temp = new OrderedCollection() //ERROR is here. VS highlights constructor method
return *this;
现在,当我尝试在此处的最后一个 copy() 中创建 OrderedCollection 类型的值标识符时,问题就来了。据我了解,如果类是抽象的,我不应该被允许这样做(很明显它是抽象的,VS 也这样告诉我)。但是还有另一个问题;当我尝试创建一个新的 OrderedCollection 对象并将其分配给 temp 时,我得到了同样的错误。根据VS,上述初始化很好(IDE没有抱怨,尽管它对我没有任何帮助)。但我不明白为什么它把这个类视为抽象的。
- 派生类中没有声明纯虚函数
- 基类中的所有纯虚函数都已在派生类中被覆盖。
- 所有被覆盖的函数都与最初在基类中声明的相关函数参数签名和返回类型相匹配。
确切的错误是,错误:不允许抽象类类型“OrderedCollection”的对象...这是当我尝试在底部的此 copy() 方法中将指针对象分配给 OrderedCollection 的新实例时。
让我在下面发布我的 Collection.cpp 文件:
#include "Collection.h"
size = 0;
capacity = 4;
Collection& Collection::iterate(void (*pFunc)()){
return *this;
bool contains(int i){
return true;
编辑:添加了 Collection.cpp 文件并更新了我对函数参数不匹配所做的一些修复。