我有一个 Eclipse 插件,它需要为在本地机器上运行的 flash 应用程序打开一对套接字。Flash 需要一个策略文件(XML 块)来授予访问相关端口的权限。Flash 更喜欢通过端口 843 获取此策略文件,Java 将端口 < 1024 视为特权端口,Mac OS X 和 Linux 同样限制对端口 < 1024 的访问。我不想以 root 权限运行我的 Eclipse 插件,所以提供端口 843 上的策略文件不是一个选项。根据 Adobe 文档,如果 Flash 无法在端口 843 上获取策略文件,它会回退到在它尝试连接的端口上请求策略文件。ActionScript 代码如下所示:
* Connecting to some port to communicate with the debugger. We initiate the
* connection because Flex doesn't allow us to listen to any ports.
private function initSockets():void
requestSocket = new Socket();
requestSocket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, requestConnected);
requestSocket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, closed);
requestSocket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, processRequestData);
requestSocket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
requestSocket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityError);
requestSocket.connect("localhost", SCConstants.DEBUG_LESSON_REQUEST_PORT);
eventSocket = new Socket();
eventSocket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, eventConnected);
eventSocket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, closed);
eventSocket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, processEventData);
eventSocket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
eventSocket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityError);
eventSocket.connect("localhost", SCConstants.DEBUG_LESSON_EVENT_PORT);
在 Eclipse 插件方面,我继承了一些大部分时间在 OS X 上工作的代码,但有时在 Windows 上会失败。在 Wi-Fi 而不是有线以太网上运行也往往会失败,尽管我不知道为什么这很重要。
public Boolean connect() throws DebugException {
try {
try {
// connection code
fRequestServerSocket = new ServerSocket(requestPort);
fEventServerSocket = new ServerSocket(eventPort);
TWBLogger.logInfo("Open socket request server:" + fRequestServerSocket);
TWBLogger.logInfo("Open socket event server:" + fEventServerSocket);
String policy = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
"<cross-domain-policy>\n" +
"<allow-access-from domain=\"*\" to-ports=\"5000,5001\" secure=\"false\" />\n" +
// Because of the Flash security policy the first thing
// that will accept on the socket will be the Flash Player
// trying to verify us. The Flash player will request security
// policy file with the following string: <policy-file-request/>\0
// We will serve back the above policy file and then close the socket
// The next thing to accept is our process in the VM.
fRequestSocket = fRequestServerSocket.accept();
fRequestWriter = new PrintWriter(fRequestSocket.getOutputStream());
fRequestReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fRequestSocket.getInputStream()));
// Wait some time before giving flash the policy file. Otherwise they don't get it. ;(
// 3 is too much ... ;(
// this should be the real connection
fRequestSocket = fRequestServerSocket.accept();
TWBLogger.logInfo("Open socket request:" + fRequestSocket);
fRequestWriter = new PrintWriter(fRequestSocket.getOutputStream());
fRequestReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fRequestSocket.getInputStream()));
// the same situation for the EventSocket
fEventSocket = fEventServerSocket.accept();
fEventReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fEventSocket.getInputStream()));
TWBLogger.logInfo("Open socket event:" + fEventSocket);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
TWBLogger.logWaring("Connection to the Client Timed out.");
return false;
requestFailed("Connection to the VM timed out. Please close any other running lessons that you debug and try again", e);
} catch (SocketSecurityException e) {
requestFailed("Security error occured when connecting to the VM", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!fTerminated)
requestFailed("Error occured when connecting to the VM. Please close any other running lessons that you debug.", e);
} catch (DebugException e) {
// close the sockets so that we can debug another application
throw e;
// our VM is single threaded
fThread = new TWBThread(this);
fThreads = new IThread[] {fThread};
// start listening for events from the VM
fEventDispatch = new EventDispatchJob();
// start listening for breakpoints
IBreakpointManager breakpointManager = getBreakpointManager();
return true;
这段代码看起来不对。它不等待来自 Flash 的消息,而只是将策略响应塞入端口。正如我所说,它大部分时间都有效,但有时会失败,并且似乎不符合 Adobe 的文档。
我尝试在每个端口上侦听请求数据包并发送特定于端口的响应。我在环回接口 (Mac OS X) 上使用 WireShark 观察了套接字流量。我看到了进来的策略请求和发送的响应,但是 Flash 仍然在两个端口上给了我安全沙箱违规。
我还尝试在上面显示的 initSockets 开头添加这一行:
然后我在我的插件中添加了代码来监听端口 5002 并发送以下主策略文件内容:
private final static String FLASH_POLICY_RESPONSE =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
"<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM \"/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd\">\n" +
"<cross-domain-policy>\n" +
"<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies=\"master-only\"/>\n" +
"<allow-access-from domain=\"*\" to-ports=\"5000,5001\"/>\n" +
我再次看到请求进来,响应出去了,但 Flash 似乎没有响应它。我没有收到 Security Sandbox Violation 错误,但端口上也没有流量。
谁能告诉我在 Java 和 Flash 之间打开套接字的正确方法?