Your SQL has several erros . . . are grouping by CreateDate
but you don't have it as a column from the subqueries. And, you don't have a column alias on the count(*)
I think this is what you are trying to do:
select DATENAME(MONTH,CreateDate), DATEPART(YEAR,CreateDate),
(sum(case when CreateDate < DATEADD(MM, 1, '01/01/2012') then 1 else 0 end) -
sum(case when CloseDate < DATEADD(MM, 1, '01/01/2012') then 1 else 0 end)
from tblMaintenanceTicket
group by DATENAME(MONTH,CreateDate), DATEPART(YEAR,CreateDate)
Your comment seems to elucidate what you want clearer than your question (the explanation in the question is a bit buried). What you need is a driver table of months and then join this to your table. Something like:
select mons.yr, mons.mon, count(*) as OpenTickets
from (select month(CreateDate) as mon, year(CreateDate) as yr,
cast(min(CreateDate) as date) as MonthStart,
cast(max(CreateDate) as date) as monthEnd
from tblMaintenanceTicket
group by month(CreateDate), year(CreateDate)
) mons left outer join
tblMaintenanceTicket mt
on mt.CreateDate <= mons.MonthEnd and
(mt.CloseDate > mons.MonthEnd or mt.CloseDate is null)
group by mons.yr, mons.mon
I am assuming records are created on every day. This is a convenience so I don't have to think about getting the first and last day of each month using other SQL functions.