I'm so new at three.js and 3d. I want to create a 3d shape at my website and give some modifiable attributes, so user can modify some parts of this shape(I did this part). Now I want to give user a link to download this modified shape as file which can open at Blender or 3dsmax. I linger on this part. How can I develop such functionality?

Thanks very much for your help

Sorry for my bad English


1 回答 1


完整的答案可能超出了 StackOverflow 的范围,因为要使其正常工作,您需要做的开发一个 Web 服务——而不仅仅是一个网页。服务器端部分可能需要执行操作的文件传输部分。


如果模型不是很大,解决这个问题的一个有点丑陋的方法可能是在您的网页中包含一些可能包含 OBJ 或 STL 等导出格式的文本。他们可以复制粘贴该文本。

于 2012-12-07T17:37:16.757 回答