
在我的 Rails 应用程序中,人们应该提交“帖子”。但是,在默认的脚手架中,文本输入存在一些问题:不允许HTML代码,换行不起作用等。据我所知,我需要使用markdown-markup语言来解决这个问题问题。是否有我可以遵循的指南来应用这种语言来解决我的问题?



first line
second line


first line second line

2) 我无法将文本设为粗体、斜体或超链接。就像在 stackoverflow 中一样,用户应该轻松地放置<b>和制作粗体文本,**制作斜体等。并且 URL 地址应该自动转换为 href 链接。

为此,我认为我必须使用降价库。我可能弄错了,所以我需要有人指导我。Markdown 上的 Railscasts


1 回答 1


Well, yes, new lines in HTML have no meaning. You need to replace line breaks with <br> to preserve them in HTML. To automatically highlight links, you need to look for links in the text and wrap them in appropriate <a> tags. Finally, if you're not filtering HTML tags, they should still be in there. It all depends on what you're doing. Markdown is something entirely different, a special markup language that enables you to do the above while being easier to write than HTML. It depends on what you want to use.

于 2012-12-07T10:04:21.740 回答