After learning that MS Access only allows absolute addressing for its linking of tables and that the only workaround for this problem was throught the use of VBA code I started coding up a way for it to do so. I found a relatively simple code and modified to suit my purpose which you can see below. However this method seems to have 2 main problems.

1 - I can't seem to link Excel Spreedsheets, as the first attempt lead to my whole module corrupting itself. Is there a way to link them as well?

2 - More importantly the size of the file increases each time it is open and the only modification to the database has been the addition of the code within the module. I've made it so it automatically executes upon opening of the file and after closing I've noticed it increases in size by several 100 kbs. Which is disturbing.

Also if there is a better method of doing this I'd be very interested in seeing how its done.

Public Sub RelinkTables(newPathName As String, backEnd As String, excel1 As String, excel2 As String)
Dim Dbs As Database
Dim Tdf As TableDef
Dim Tdfs As TableDefs
Set Dbs = CurrentDb
Set Tdfs = Dbs.TableDefs
'Loop through the tables collection
   For Each Tdf In Tdfs
    If Tdf.SourceTableName <> "" Then 'If the table source is other than a base table
        If Tdf.SourceTableName = "CClas$" Or Tdf.SourceTableName = "Sheet1$" Then

            Tdf.Connect = ";DATABASE=" & newPathName & backEnd 'Set the new source
            Tdf.RefreshLink 'Refresh the link
        End If
    End If
Next 'Goto next table

End Sub

Function ReLinker()
Dim currPath As String
Dim backEnd As String
Dim excel1 As String
Dim excel2 As String
currPath = CurrentProject.Path
Debug.Print currPath
backEnd = "\backEnd.accdb"
excel1 = "\excel1.xls"
excel2 = "\excel2.xls"

RelinkTables currPath, backEnd, excel1, excel2
End Function

1 回答 1



那讲得通。重新链接通常会增加 db 文件的大小。而且由于每次打开数据库时都会再次重新链接,因此您应该期望大小会增加。执行压缩以再次缩小 db 文件。



If Len(Dir(currPath & backEnd)) = 0 _
        Or Len(Dir(currPath & excel1)) = 0 _
        Or Len(Dir(currPath & excel2)) = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Oops!"
End If

对于 Excel 链接,请查看您是否可以在以下任何内容的基础上构建...

? CurrentDb.TableDefs("tblExcelData").Connect Like "Excel*"
? CurrentDb.TableDefs("tblExcelData").Connect
Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=2;DATABASE=C:\share\Access\temp.xls
? Split(CurrentDb.TableDefs("tblExcelData").Connect, "DATABASE=")(1)
于 2012-12-07T04:44:25.520 回答