For Phonegap Build to work, all your generic src files need to be in www of the base directory. Any Android specific files go in /www/res/android or /merge. See phonegap and/or codrova documentation.
One of the problems with using Eclipse and Phonegap together is that if you imported your project as an existing Android project, then all work you do is in the Android platform directories, not www.
Main reason why I now use Netbeans with Phonegap 3.0 CLI:
In terminal:
- phonegap create [project dir name]
- cd [project dir name]
- phonegap local build android
- add plugins
- replace generic phonegap /www files with your project specific files & dirs
In netbeans IDE:
- new project -> html5 -> use current src code
- tweak /www/context.xml app name, ......
- .......
In terminal:
- adb connect 192.168.1.??? [Android-X86 in VB guest]
- adb devices [are devices showing?]
- phonegap local run android [build and installs to VB Android-X86 guest]
- debug ....
- phonegap remote build android [use Adobe Phonegap Build]
- .......
Note: new Netbeans 7.4 RC2/Development includes Cordova development. Tried, but while has some interesting features, seemed to include the kitchen sink when doing initial build. Very slow to compile. Disabled feature. Also background scanning chokes. Turned off with plugin, but remember to manually rescan project files, especially if did work outside IDE. Couldn't set up Android-X86 in VB as my emulator. Why I use the above workflow.