I'm trying to call a "Sort" method that expects a parameter of type IComparer<object>, using the code:


It builds but at run time I get an InvalidCastException with the message:

Unable to cast object of type
to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1[System.Object]'.

Now what?

Unfortunately, you need to have a comparer of the appropriate type.

You could make a custom IComparer<object> class that just wrapped the DateTime comparer, but there is no way to do this directly via a cast.

If your collection always contains DateTime objects, then you can just do:

ICollection<DateTime> collection = ...;
collection.Sort(Comparer<DateTime>.Default); // or just collection.Sort()

Edit after reading the comment:

If you're working with an ICollection directly, you may want to use the LINQ option to do:

collection.Cast<DateTime>().OrderBy( date => date );

If you're working with something that implements IList<T>, (such as List<DateTime>) you can just call Sort() on the list itself.

Since you're using a non-standard class, you'll need to make your own comparer:

class Comparer : IComparer<object> {
    int Compare(object a, object b) {
         return DateTime.Compare((DateTime)a, (DateTime)b);

You can then call:

collection.Sort(new Comparer() );

5 回答 5


If all you want is the default comparison, this will work:


Comparer.Default uses your objects' inherent comparison semantics (i.e., IComparable.CompareTo).

于 2009-09-03T22:59:34.233 回答


您可以创建一个IComparer<object>仅包装 DateTime 比较器的自定义类,但无法通过强制转换直接执行此操作。

如果您的集合始终包含 DateTime 对象,那么您可以这样做:

ICollection<DateTime> collection = ...;
collection.Sort(Comparer<DateTime>.Default); // or just collection.Sort()


如果您直接使用 ICollection,您可能希望使用 LINQ 选项来执行以下操作:

collection.Cast<DateTime>().OrderBy( date => date );

如果您正在使用实现的东西IList<T>,(例如List<DateTime>)您可以在列表本身上调用 Sort()。


class Comparer : IComparer<object> {
    int Compare(object a, object b) {
         return DateTime.Compare((DateTime)a, (DateTime)b);


collection.Sort(new Comparer() );
于 2009-09-03T19:02:40.637 回答

If you can change the type of the collection object (i.e. to an ArrayList from a List<object>), then you can just use the non-generic IComparer interface (which Comparer<DateTime>.Default implements).

If you can't change the type of the collection object, then you are out of luck. (You could always implement an object that implements IComparer<object>, like so:

 public class DateTimeComparer : IComparer<object>
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            IComparer myComparer = Comparer<DateTime>.Default as IComparer;
            return myComparer.Compare(x, y);

(This will throw an exception if you have any non-DateTime items in your collection though)


You could also implement something a little bit more type safe, i.e.:

  public class DateTimeComparer : IComparer<object>
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            if ( x is DateTime && y is DateTime )
                return Comparer<DateTime>.Default.Compare((DateTime) x, (DateTime) y);
                // handle the type mismatch
于 2009-09-03T19:31:32.270 回答

You can define an extension function like this:

public static class ComparerConversion
        private class ComparerWrapper<T> : IComparer<object>
            private readonly IComparer<T> comparer;

            public ComparerWrapper(IComparer<T> comparer)
                this.comparer = comparer;

            public int Compare(object x, object y)
                return this.comparer.Compare((T)x, (T)y);

        public static IComparer<object> ToObjectComparer<T>(this IComparer<T> comparer)
            return new ComparerWrapper<T>(comparer);

and use it like this:

List<object> collection = new List<object> { DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), DateTime.Now };
于 2009-09-03T21:17:51.327 回答

Just try to remove the cast and let the compiler to chose IComparer instead of IComparer<T>.

Comparer<T> implements both IComparer<T> and IComparer so it should work.

This works just fine:

ArrayList collection = new ArrayList {DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), DateTime.Now};
于 2009-09-03T19:13:52.887 回答