这是一个 SpreadsheetGear Grid 特定问题。我知道您可以向单元格添加评论,并且该单元格会自动在右上角获得红色三角形标记。但我需要在任何单元格角落添加一个小三角形(不同颜色)以表示一些特别的东西。有可能做到吗?
public void AddTriangleShapeToCorner(IWorksheet worksheet, int row, int col, CellCorners cellCorner)
const double width = 5, height = 5;
double xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
IWorksheetWindowInfo windowInfo = worksheet.WindowInfo;
if (cellCorner == CellCorners.TopRight || cellCorner == CellCorners.BottomRight)
xOffset = width;
if (cellCorner == CellCorners.BottomLeft || cellCorner == CellCorners.BottomRight)
yOffset = height;
double top = windowInfo.RowToPoints(row) - yOffset;
double left = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(col) - xOffset;
IShape shape = worksheet.Shapes.AddShape(AutoShapeType.RightTriangle, left, top, width, height);
shape.Line.Visible = false; // line at top-left corner is not sharp, so turn it off.
shape.Placement = Placement.Move; // make the shape move with cell. NOTE: it doesn't work for top-right and bottom-right corners.
if (cellCorner == CellCorners.TopLeft || cellCorner == CellCorners.TopRight)
shape.VerticalFlip = true;
if (cellCorner == CellCorners.TopRight || cellCorner == CellCorners.BottomRight)
shape.HorizontalFlip = true;