在我的公司,我们有两个独立的开发人员门户,一个用于内部/BD 应用程序,一个用于外部/合同应用程序。因此,我有两个单独的开发人员证书。

我想将它保留在 XCode 中,以便从“自动配置文件选择器”分组(而不是 iPhone 开发人员:{Name} {ID})中将“代码签名身份”设置为“iPhone 开发人员”。显然,在有多人的项目中,将其硬编码到我的名字和特定密钥是非常不受欢迎的。

但是,某些 iPad 仅针对两个门户之一进行配置,因此默认的“iPhone 开发人员”证书仅在大约一半的时间内有效,具体取决于项目(如果我在 Organizer 中对证书进行“刷新”,所有的赌注关闭哪个将成为默认的“iPhone Developer”)。

很难为此找到好的解决方案。任何人都知道如何更改与通用“iPhone Developer”条目相关联的证书密钥?


1 回答 1


I have found this a common issue too, but as far as I understand it, the defaults are chosen based on which profile is most appropriate for the app you are working on. This seems to be done according to the bundle identifier associated with each profile - the profile with an applicable bundle identifier is chosen as the automatic selection, with a preference towards a more distant profile expiry date.

Of course, this decision is not based on the device you intend to run the app on, which means the wrong profile is often chosen,which leads to great frustration on the part of the developer who then has to change the profile to a static setting and always remember to change back before committing their changes (or more often forget, causing even more frustration for the other members of the team!)

PS: If anyone else knows differently here, I'd love to know how its done!

于 2013-08-16T22:15:40.187 回答