import System.Random ( RandomGen, next, split )
import qualified Data.Array.MArray as MAI
import Data.Array.ST.Safe( STUArray )
import Control.Monad.ST.Safe(ST)
import qualified Control.Monad.Random as CMR
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class( lift )
data GraphEdgeYaml = GraphEdgeYaml {
specie1:: NodeName,
specie2 :: NodeName,
sign :: Int,
speed :: Int
type LinksSTA s = STUArray s Int GraphEdgeYaml
-- Change a simple link
swapLink :: RandomGen g =>
LinksSTA s
-> g
-> ST s g
swapLink graph generator =
swap_op :: CMR.RandT g (ST s) ()
swap_op = do
(low_limit, high_limit) <- lift $ MAI.getBounds graph
idx_value <- CMR.getRandomR (low_limit, high_limit)
return ()
in do
(_, new_generator) <- CMR.runRandT swap_op generator
return new_generator
Could not deduce (RandomGen g1)
arising from a use of `CMR.getRandomR'
from the context (RandomGen g)
bound by the type signature for
swapLink :: RandomGen g => LinksSTA s -> g -> ST s g
at hs/SignMatrixBuild/Randomize.hs:(38,1)-(47,28)
Possible fix:
add (RandomGen g1) to the context of
the type signature for swap_op :: CMR.RandT g1 (ST s1) ()
or the type signature for
swapLink :: RandomGen g => LinksSTA s -> g -> ST s g
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
idx_value <- CMR.getRandomR (low_limit, high_limit)
In the expression:
do { (low_limit, high_limit) <- lift $ MAI.getBounds graph;
idx_value <- CMR.getRandomR (low_limit, high_limit);
return () }
In an equation for `swap_op':
= do { (low_limit, high_limit) <- lift $ MAI.getBounds graph;
idx_value <- CMR.getRandomR (low_limit, high_limit);
return () }