我正在开发一个支持外部插件的 ASP.NET MVC 项目,现在,我正在从 Unity 迁移到 Autofac,我需要包装 Autofac 的生命周期对象,这样插件就不必在 Unity 中引用它了可以这样做。

public sealed class UnityScopeFactory : IDependencyScopeFactory
    private HttpRequestScope _httpRequest;

    private SingletonScope _singleton;

    private TransientScope _transient;

    public IDependencyScope HttpRequest()
        return _httpRequest ?? (_httpRequest = new HttpRequestScope());

    public IDependencyScope Singleton()
        return _singleton ?? (_singleton = new SingletonScope());

    public IDependencyScope Transient()
        return _transient ?? (_transient = new TransientScope());

    private class HttpRequestScope : IDependencyScope
        public object CreateScope()
            return new HttpPerRequestLifetimeManager();

    private class SingletonScope : IDependencyScope
        public object CreateScope()
            return new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager();

    private class TransientScope : IDependencyScope
        public object CreateScope()
            return new TransientLifetimeManager();

我在 Autofac 中做了类似的事情,但我不确定这是否是正确的方法,我查看了 Autofac 的 RegistrationBuilder,它是(不幸的)内部的,我想出了这个。

public class AutofacScopeFactory : IDependencyScopeFactory
    private HttpRequestScope _httpRequest;

    private SingletonScope _singleton;

    private TransientScope _transient;

    public IDependencyScope HttpRequest()
        return _httpRequest ?? (_httpRequest = new HttpRequestScope());

    public IDependencyScope Singleton()
        return _singleton ?? (_singleton = new SingletonScope());

    public IDependencyScope Transient()
        return _transient ?? (_transient = new TransientScope());

    private class HttpRequestScope : IDependencyScope
        public object CreateScope()
            return new CurrentScopeLifetime();

    private class SingletonScope : IDependencyScope
        public object CreateScope()
            return new RootScopeLifetime();

    private class TransientScope : IDependencyScope
        public object CreateScope()
            return new CurrentScopeLifetime();

另外,在我让它工作之后,我如何使用将它传递给 ContainerBuilder?

在 Unity 中,我可以做这样的事情。

public sealed class UnityDependencyContainer : IDependencyContainer
    private readonly IUnityContainer _container;

    public UnityDependencyContainer()
        _container = new UnityContainer()

    public void Register<TContract, TImplementation>(IDependencyScope scope) where TImplementation : TContract
        LifetimeManager manager = scope.CreateScope() as LifetimeManager;

        if (manager != null)
            _container.RegisterType<TContract, TImplementation>(manager);

如何将 IComponentLifetime 的实例传递给方法链?这是死胡同吗?

public class AutofacContainer : IDependencyContainer
    private static readonly ContainerBuilder Builder;

    static AutofacContainer()
        Builder = new ContainerBuilder();

    public void RegisterType<TContract, TImplementation>(IDependencyScope scope) where TImplementation : TContract
        IComponentLifetime manager = scope.CreateScope() as IComponentLifetime;

        if (manager != null)

1 回答 1


Autofac 并没有按照您描述的方式完全分离范围,因此您可能正在尝试将方形钉安装在圆孔中

Autofac 范围更具层次性。任何生命周期范围都可以产生一个子瞬态范围。例如,您可能会看到...

  • 容器/根生命周期
    • HttpRequest 范围
      • 小型任务特定的瞬态范围

您可以“标记”范围并将组件注册到特定的命名/标记范围 - 这就是 HttpRequest 范围的工作方式。它被一个特殊的标识符“标记”。

当您解析对象时,它决定了哪个生命周期范围拥有它。解析发生在最嵌套的范围内。在上面的层次结构中,您从特定于小型任务的瞬态范围解析项目,无论它们是单例、请求范围还是其他。当单例被解析时,它将搜索生命周期范围堆栈并自动将对象的“所有权”分配给根生命周期范围。当每个请求项得到解决时,它会在堆栈中搜索具有特殊“HTTP 请求”标识符的生命周期范围,并在那里分配所有权。工厂范围的项目在当前生命周期范围内解析。

注意:该讨论是对其工作方式的严重过度简化。 Autofac 站点上有解释生命周期范围机制的文档。

重点是,我在上述设计中看到了一些与 Autofac 做事的方式并没有真正“融合”的东西。

DependencyScopeFactory 无法创建自己的瞬态或 HttpRequest 范围。有特定的生命周期管理组件开始和结束 HttpRequest 范围,因此您需要使用它们;没有“全局”瞬态范围,所以你不能真的只创建一个。

HttpRequest 范围,假设您使用的是 MVC,看起来更像......

public ILifetimeScope HttpRequestScope
  get { return AutofacDependencyResolver.Current.RequestLifetime; }


using(var transientScope = parentScope.BeginLifetimeScope())
  // Do stuff and resolve dependencies using the transient scope.
  // The IDisposable pattern here is important so transient
  // dependencies will be properly disposed at the end of the scope.


var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

// This component is factory-scoped and will be "owned" by whatever
// lifetime scope resolves it. You can resolve multiple of these
// in a single scope:

// This component is a singleton inside any given lifetime scope,
// but if you have a hierarchy of scopes, you'll get one in each
// level of the hierarchy.

// This component will be a singleton inside a specifically named
// lifetime scope. If you try to resolve it in a scope without that
// name, it'll search up the scope stack until it finds the scope
// with the right name. If no matching scope is found - exception.

// This is a per-HTTP-request component. It's just like the
// above InstancePerMatchingLifetimeScope, but it has a special
// tag that the web integration knows about.

如果您尝试创建与容器/注册无关的接口,则不需要“生命周期范围管理器” - 相反,您需要传递一些指示预期生命周期范围的参数并执行适当的注册语法(上)根据传入的参数。


此外,如果您使用 Unity,Autofac 确实有一个 Enterprise Library Configurator 包,允许您以 Unity 样式配置 Autofac(因为这就是 EntLib 喜欢做事的方式)。这可能是要检查的东西。

如果您根本不需要使用 Unity 语法……我建议您使用原生 Autofac 方式来做事。试图让一个容器看起来和表现得像另一个容器是一项非常痛苦的工作。

假设您的插件位于单独的程序集中或其他任何地方,您可以轻松利用一些不错的程序集扫描语法以及 Autofac 模块并以这种方式连接您的插件。

于 2012-12-06T16:15:23.883 回答