我正在使用 tlbimp.exe 从 TLB 文件生成程序集。我知道我可以使用“asmversion”命令行开关来设置自定义版本号,但是如何设置其他信息呢?我想设置“产品名称”和“公司”之类的字段,但我看不到这样做的方法。可以用 tlbimp 或任何其他工具来完成吗?
869 次
1 回答
您可以使用 tlbimp.exe 插入此信息,至少在 Visual Studio 2010 的最新(测试版)版本中。(我不能完全确定这些是否是新选项。)
C:\Temp>tlbimp /?
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Type Library to Assembly Converter 4.0.20624.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Syntax: TlbImp TypeLibName [Options]
/product:Product The name of the product with which this assembly
is distributed
/productversion:Version The version of the product with which this
assembly is distributed
/company:Company The name of the company that produced this
/copyright:Copyright Describes all copyright notices, trademarks, and
registered trademarks that apply to this assembly
/trademark:Trademark Describes all trademarks and registered trademarks
that apply to this assembly
于 2009-09-03T14:44:35.363 回答