我有一个 tic tac toe board ,我正在为好玩而工作,但我遇到了一个问题。基本上我随机生成两个 x,y 坐标,然后通过 while 循环运行它们。如果坐标位置没有被标记,那么它会标记点。否则它将继续运行并生成一对新坐标。这似乎在调用该函数的前四次有效,但随后对该函数的任何使用都会导致它失控。希望有人能指出我正确的方向,并告诉我某处的逻辑是否不正确。建设性的批评很棒。

在此先感谢,这是 X 的移动功能的代码(O 的代码几乎相同):

void Xmove(struct config *cp) {
    int ran1, ran2;
    srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
    ran1 = rand() % 3;
    ran2 = rand() % 3;

    if(cp->grid[1][1] == ' ') {
        cp->grid[1][1] = 'X';

    while(ran1 == 1 && ran2 == 1) {
        ran1 = (rand() % 3);
        ran2 = (rand() % 3);

    int looper = 1;

    while (looper) {
        if(cp->grid[ran1][ran2] != 'O' && cp->grid[ran1][ran2] != 'X') {
            cp->grid[ran1][ran2] = 'X';
            looper = 0;

        ran1 = (rand() % 3);
        ran2 = (rand() % 3);


2 回答 2


回到关于你的无限循环和你的代码的原始问题,你不能仅仅假设找到一个空槽并填充它就使循环中断。如果没有可用的插槽,您甚至不应该进入循环。事实上,如果没有要填充的开放图块,您甚至根本不应该调用任何一个 Move() 函数,老实说,它应该作为配置结构的递减计数器来维护。


// build a table of open tiles
int ar[9] = {0};
int n=0,i=0,j=0;
for (i=0;i<3;++i)
  for (j=0;j<3;++j)
    if (cp->grid[i][j] != 'O' && cp->grid[i][j] != 'X')
      ar[n++] = i*3+j;

// now you have the list of available tiles 
//  in `ar[0..n-1]`. choose ONE via `rand()`
if (n > 0)
    n = ar[rand()%n];
    cp->grid[n/3][n%3] = 'X'; // or 'O'
于 2012-12-05T22:13:47.977 回答

我会完全消除随机循环,而不是每次我需要移动时,我都会生成数字 0-9 的随机排列,并用它来走棋盘,寻找放置 X 或 O 的位置如所须。像这样的东西:

    int randperm[9], i = 0;     

    /* fill the array randperm with the numbers 0 through 8 in 
     * order
    for(i = 0; i != 9; i++)
        randperm[i] = i;

    /* Now mix the numbers up, so that the array ends up in
     * some "random" order: that is, generate a permutation
     * of the digits 0-8.
    for(i = 8; i > 0; i--) 
        int j = rand() % (i+1);
        int temp = randperm[j];
        randperm[j] = randperm[i];
        randperm[i] = temp;

    /* Now try to find a spot. We will use our randperm array to
     * determine which cell to look at. Remember that the array
     * contains the numbers 0-8 in some random order.
    for(i = 0; i != 9; i++)
        /* We split a number from 0-8 into two numbers (x and y), 
         * each from 0 to 2:
         * 0 -> 0 0, 1 -> 1 0, 2 -> 2 0,
         * 3 -> 0 1, 4 -> 1 1, 5 -> 2 1,
         * 6 -> 0 2, 7 -> 1 2, 8 -> 2 2
         * notice that (y * 3) + x = randperm[i]
        int x = randperm[i] % 3;
        int y = randperm[i] / 3;

        /* check if the spot at grid[x][y] is available, if it is
         * take it and return. 

    /* If we get here there's no spot to put an X or an O... board is full */
于 2012-12-05T20:02:12.020 回答