
I'am having a very weird problem with my program after I have been working on my XNA game, I don't know where my program get it's code from, because when I out comment all my code in visual studio 2008 c#, nothing should work, but the game still starts normally, without having any problems. I don't know how I can solve this problem, and I hope that one of you guys know why my program still is running fine after I out commented all my code to check. If I remove all my code the program also still runs, I hope one of you guys can tell me where Visual Studio 2008 is getting it's code from, or a solution for this problem.

Please tell me when you are having trouble understanding my problem.


1 回答 1


奇怪的是您的代码中有错误并且它没有编译。VS 可能正在运行您的程序的最后一次成功构建。

于 2012-12-05T19:04:00.427 回答