我试图将指定的愤怒从一个工作簿粘贴到另一个工作簿,我指定的范围称为 SourceRange,其目的地是 TargetRange。
但是,如果我的 TargetRange 工作簿的 c2 列中存在数据,我需要将 SourceRange 粘贴到我的 TargetRange 中的下一个可用列中。
如果 c2 中不存在数据,则下面的代码当前将 SourceRange 复制为黄色,如果有数据,则将其变为绿色,绿色实例需要粘贴到 c2 之后的下一个可用列中,因此 d2。
Select Case MasterWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("c2") = ""
Case True
' The opened file automatically becomes the new active workbook and active worksheet.
Set SourceRange = ActiveSheet.Range("c2:c26")
Set TargetRange = MasterWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("c2:c29")
' Copy cell values one at a time from the source range to the target range.
For Row = 2 To 29
TargetRange.Cells(Row, 1).Value = SourceRange.Cells(Row, 1).Value
' Set background colour of target range.
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 6
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
Case False
' The opened file automatically becomes the new active workbook and active worksheet.
Set SourceRange = ActiveSheet.Range("c2:c26")
Set TargetRange = MasterWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("c2:c29")
' Copy cell values one at a time from the source range to the target range.
'Sheets.Add.Name = "workbookname"
For Row = 2 To 29
TargetRange.Cells(Row, 1).Value = SourceRange.Cells(Row, 1).Value
' Set background colour of target range.
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 10
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
End Select