我在主页上有一些复选框;当它们中的每一个被单击时,我会创建一个临时的 jquery ui 对话框,上面有一些复选框(那些不起作用的);我发现第一次加载对话框复选框,可以通过 jquery 选中和取消选中它们。如果我关闭并重新创建该对话框,我将无法通过 jquery 选中或取消选中复选框;我尝试了以下方法但没有结果(元素状态更改但页面上复选框的元素未刷新)
$('#checkbox').attr('checked', true);
$('#checkbox').prop('checked', true);
// For each checkbox in a form in main page
// When each checkbox is clicked (checked) fun_handler is called,
// and id of checkbox is passed to it
var id = $(this).attr('id');
$(this).click({'id': id }, fun_handler);
// Handler for click on main page checkbox
function fun_handler()
// Dialog body is created
var dlg_body = '<div class="sfun_container">';
// Array that holds values used by checkboxes
var fun_list = new Array(
{'name' : 'Minimum, Maximum', 'fun' : 'MMX'},
{'name' : 'Average', 'fun' : 'AVG'},
{'name' : 'Standard Deviation', 'fun' : 'STD'},
{'name' : 'Standard Error of the Mean', 'fun' : 'SEM'},
{'name' : 'Distinct Count', 'fun' : 'DCNT'}
// Creates all checkboxes using values defined in fun_list
for (var f_index in fun_list)
dlg_body += '<input id="tfun_cbox_' + fun_list[f_index]['fun']
+ '" type="checkbox" class="tfun_cbox" value="'
+ fun_list[f_index]['fun'] + '"/>'
+ fun_list[f_index]['name'] + '<br/>';
dlg_body += '</div>';
// Creates temporary dialog
$('<div title="Select function(s)"><p>' + dlg_body + '</p></div>').dialog(
modal : true,
width : 320,
resizable : false,
// When open
open : function ()
// Gets from data-funs attribute of main page checkbox
// Each main page checkbox may have some functions already
// inserted in data-funs, if earlier some dialog checkboxes,
// that represent functions, were checked and their values
// saved in data-funs
var funs = $('#' + event.data['id']).data('funs');
if (funs != undefined)
// Retrieves from funs which dialog checkboxes were checked
for(var f_index in funs)
// Checks dialog checkbox
$('#tfun_cbox_' + funs[f_index]).prop('checked', true);
close : function ()
if ($('.tfun_cbox:checkbox:checked').length > 0)
// Some dialog checkboxes are checked
var funs = new Array();
// Saves dialog checked checkbox state value in funs
// Unchecks dialog checkbox
$(this).prop('checked', false);
// Saves all checkboxes value in data-funs of main page
// checkbox
$('#' + event.data['id']).data('funs', funs);
buttons : [
text : "Ok",
click : function()
// Checks back main page checkbox that
// when clicked fired fun_handler
$('#' + event.data['id']).prop('checked', true);
text : "Cancel",
click : function()
// Unchecks all dialog checkboxes in order not to save them
$('.tfun_cbox:checkbox:checked').prop('checked', false);