var suffix_pattern = new RegExp('\/?' + config.history_root + '\/?','i');
// if IE
if (!Modernizr.history) {
// initialize router/Backbone.history, but turn off route parsing,
// since non-window.history parsing will look for a hash, and not finding one,
// will break our shit.
Backbone.history.start({ silent: true, hashChange: true });
// convert any post-# elements to a standard URL to be parsed by our router
var subroute = window.location.hash.replace('#', '/').split('?')[0],
route = window.location.pathname.replace(suffix_pattern, '') + subroute;
} else {
Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, silent: true });
Backbone.history.loadUrl(Backbone.history.getFragment().replace(suffix_pattern, '').split('?')[0]);