

    class Foo {
      M** arryM;
      arryM = new M*[10];
      void Foo::replace(int ind, M &newm) {
        // Q1: which one correct to change the address of an element to a new object's address?
        arryM[ind] = newm; // this correct to pass and reset a new address for pointer?
        arryM[ind] = &newm; // or is this correct, or does this just set the object pointed by array element instead of the array element's address?
        *arryM[ind] = newm; // or do I need to dereference the pointer rep by array element first?
        &arryM[ind] = &newm; // or is this correct??
      // Q2: is it easier to return a pointer or address for this function?
      M & Foo::getM(int ind) {
        M *out;
        // Q3: which one of following correct to get correct address value to return?
        out = arryM[ind]; // get address to M obj pointed by pointer array elem
        out = *arryM[ind]; // is "arryM[ind]" == "*ptr"?? if so how to get to "ptr"?
        out = &arryM[ind]; // is this way to get to "ptr" so addresses passed?
        return out;
   void main() {
     M *op1;
     M *op2;
     M *sol;
     Foo mstorage; // and assume already got valid M objects pointed to by arryM[] elements
     // Q4: which one correct?
     op1 = mstorage.getM(x); // x being the correct and valid int index pos
     op1 = *mstorage.getM(x); // so address and not object pointed to is passed?
     *op1 = mstorage.getM(x); 

     op2 = mstorage.getM(y);
     ... // perform some operations using op1 and op2 M functions
     int size = op1->getDim() + op2->getDim();
     sol = new M(size, name); // no default constructor--M objects need a size parameter
     ...// perform/set values of sol based upon op1, op2 values
     // Q5: this is correct to pass the address for sol object created, right?
     if (<sol already exists>) mstorage.replace(indx, *sol);
     else mstorage.add(*sol);

所以我从代码示例中提取的 5 个主要问题如下,Q1、Q3、Q4 对我来说是最重要/最令人困惑的:

Q1(重要):如果 array[i] 返回一个指针 *n,那么我们如何取消对“array[i]”的引用,使其看起来像“n”,这样我们就可以得到“n=p”,其中“*p”有一个外部创建的对象的地址。此外,其中 "*p" 通过带有 type& 参数的函数调用传递。


Q3(重要):如果我们要返回一个地址,正确的方法是让“array[i]”(基于与 Q1 相同的假设)成为“n”中包含的地址而不是“*”表示的对象n”?

Q4(重要):如果函数返回地址&,那么本地创建的指针*p 是否能够通过“p = obj.funcretaddress()”接收地址?我看到了一些带有双打的示例代码,但这让我感到困惑:“双小时= funcreturningaddress()”。

Q5:只是仔细检查一个函数参数是否接受“obj &x”并且我们在本地创建一个“obj *y”,在函数调用中我们将传递“function(*y)”,然后在函数范围内传递“obj *n = &x" 以便由 array[i] 表示的指针可以获取本地创建的 obj 的正确地址。

非常感谢,因为我已经编译和调整了几天,试图从网络上获取具有 int 和 double 数据类型的示例并将它们应用于创建的类对象时感到困惑。



    int a = 2;
    int *b;
    b = &a;
    *b = 3;
    int c = 4;
    b = func(c); // *b now points to c, and value is 5?
    *b = func(c); // *b value is updated to 5, and a therefore also now 5??
    int & func(int &d) {
      return &d; // correct, or wrong as &&d is returned?
      return d; // and the & is applied to the var d?

1 回答 1


Q1。以下两个是正确的。arrayM[ind] 将返回指针。所以认为你正在存储到指针中。请注意您要添加的对象的生命周期(即 newM)

arryM[ind] = &newm; // or is this correct, or does this just set the object pointed by array element instead of the array element's address?
*arryM[ind] = newm;


out = arryM[ind];



return array[ind]

那么这将返回一个指针。(即 M* myArray)。您可以按如下方式访问元素

1. myArray[index]
2. *(myArray+1)

Q4.如果您返回引用(即 M&),那么您必须将它们收集在引用或普通对象中,否则您也可以将值存储到指针中,如下所示。

Function: M& foo()
Call: M m = foo()
OR M& m = foo()
OR M* m;  *m = foo();



于 2012-12-05T02:44:45.223 回答