我的解决方案中有几个 MS 测试项目,但在构建服务器(TeamCity 7.1)中,我无法编译它们。例外是说......'VisualStudio'命名空间不存在......

我将 VisualStudio 工具复制到构建服务器 GAC 中,但仍然没有运气!


1 回答 1


The problem is in your test projects. you're referencing to some assemblies which haven't been deployed to the Build Server(TeamCity). Also you cannot do that by simply copy and paste to GAC or working directory.

The best and easiest way to do that is installing Visual studio 2010 Agents in the build server. It's free and it can be downloaded from MS web site. By installing the agents, it will install all the required libraries for compiling and even running the MSTest projects.

于 2012-12-05T02:49:55.873 回答