我在 PostgreSQL 9.1 中有 2 个表 - flight_2012_09_12 包含大约 500,000 行和 position_2012_09_12 包含大约 550 万行。我正在运行一个简单的连接查询,它需要很长时间才能完成,尽管这些表并不小,但我相信在执行过程中会有一些重大收获。
SELECT f.departure, f.arrival,
p.callsign, p.flightkey, p.time, p.lat, p.lon, p.altitude_ft, p.speed
FROM position_2012_09_12 AS p
JOIN flight_2012_09_12 AS f
ON p.flightkey = f.flightkey
WHERE p.lon < 0
AND p.time BETWEEN '2012-9-12 0:0:0' AND '2012-9-12 23:0:0'
Hash Join (cost=239891.03..470396.82 rows=4790498 width=51) (actual time=29203.830..45777.193 rows=4403717 loops=1)
Hash Cond: (f.flightkey = p.flightkey)
-> Seq Scan on flight_2012_09_12 f (cost=0.00..1934.31 rows=70631 width=12) (actual time=0.014..220.494 rows=70631 loops=1)
-> Hash (cost=158415.97..158415.97 rows=3916885 width=43) (actual time=29201.012..29201.012 rows=3950815 loops=1)
Buckets: 2048 Batches: 512 (originally 256) Memory Usage: 1025kB
-> Seq Scan on position_2012_09_12 p (cost=0.00..158415.97 rows=3916885 width=43) (actual time=0.006..14630.058 rows=3950815 loops=1)
Filter: ((lon < 0::double precision) AND ("time" >= '2012-09-12 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ("time" <= '2012-09-12 23:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
Total runtime: 58522.767 ms
Table "public.flight_2012_09_12"
Column | Type | Modifiers
callsign | character varying(8) |
flightkey | integer |
source | character varying(16) |
departure | character varying(4) |
arrival | character varying(4) |
original_etd | timestamp without time zone |
original_eta | timestamp without time zone |
enroute | boolean |
etd | timestamp without time zone |
eta | timestamp without time zone |
equipment | character varying(6) |
diverted | timestamp without time zone |
time | timestamp without time zone |
lat | double precision |
lon | double precision |
altitude | character varying(7) |
altitude_ft | integer |
speed | character varying(4) |
asdi_acid | character varying(4) |
enroute_eta | timestamp without time zone |
enroute_eta_source | character varying(1) |
"flight_2012_09_12_flightkey_idx" btree (flightkey)
"idx_2012_09_12_altitude_ft" btree (altitude_ft)
"idx_2012_09_12_arrival" btree (arrival)
"idx_2012_09_12_callsign" btree (callsign)
"idx_2012_09_12_departure" btree (departure)
"idx_2012_09_12_diverted" btree (diverted)
"idx_2012_09_12_enroute_eta" btree (enroute_eta)
"idx_2012_09_12_equipment" btree (equipment)
"idx_2012_09_12_etd" btree (etd)
"idx_2012_09_12_lat" btree (lat)
"idx_2012_09_12_lon" btree (lon)
"idx_2012_09_12_original_eta" btree (original_eta)
"idx_2012_09_12_original_etd" btree (original_etd)
"idx_2012_09_12_speed" btree (speed)
"idx_2012_09_12_time" btree ("time")
Table "public.position_2012_09_12"
Column | Type | Modifiers
callsign | character varying(8) |
flightkey | integer |
time | timestamp without time zone |
lat | double precision |
lon | double precision |
altitude | character varying(7) |
altitude_ft | integer |
course | integer |
speed | character varying(4) |
trackerkey | integer |
the_geom | geometry |
"index_2012_09_12_altitude_ft" btree (altitude_ft)
"index_2012_09_12_callsign" btree (callsign)
"index_2012_09_12_course" btree (course)
"index_2012_09_12_flightkey" btree (flightkey)
"index_2012_09_12_speed" btree (speed)
"index_2012_09_12_time" btree ("time")
"position_2012_09_12_flightkey_idx" btree (flightkey)
"test_index" btree (lon)
"test_index_lat" btree (lat)