我有深层嵌套数组,我试图按一些嵌套数组元素进行分组并让它工作。但是,当我尝试使用 $subtract 表达式时,它失败了。任何指针表示赞赏。
-scenes: [
name: "Greeting_Excited"
-records: [
- {
type: "listeningCycle"
listeningId: 2
timestamp: 1354566662041
-events: [ … ]
-timeProfile: {
-timeStampInfo: {
earliestStamp: 1354566664530
latestStamp: 1354566678412
-timing: [
start: 400
stop: 556
id: "SR-G"
start: 559
stop: 572
id: "NL-G"
collection..aggregate( {$unwind:"$scenes"}, {$match: {'scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.id' : 'SR-G'}}, {$group: { _id : {segmentname: "$scenes.name"} , responsetimes : { $push : {$subtract : ["$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.stop", "$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.start"]} }}}, {$sort:{responsetimes:1}}
I am using the mongodb 2.2.1 and native node mongodb driver 1.1.11.
what i am trying to do:
-group by scenes [unwind the scenes array],
-for a match with SR-G timing-id,
-gather all the response times, hence the $subtract (stop-start).
This is the error msg i see:
"errmsg" : "exception: can't convert from BSON type Array to long",
"code" : 16004,
"ok" : 0
似乎最里面的嵌套数组:$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing 没有为 $subtract 正确展开,我尝试 $project 来减少管道中的字段,并尝试使用 $project 和 $group 的各种组合失败。也不止一次尝试放松,没有成功。
collection.aggregate( {$project: {segmentname:"$scenes.name", timingid: "$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.id", timingstart:"$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.start", timingstop:"$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.stop"}}, {$unwind:"$scenes"}, {$match: {'scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.id' : 'SR-G'}} )
{ "result" : [ ], "ok" : 1 }
collection.aggregate( {$unwind: "$scenes"}, {$project: {segmentname:"$scenes.name", timingid: "$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.id", timingstart:"$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.start", timingstop:"$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.stop"}}, {$unwind:"$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing"}, {$match: { "scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.id" : "SR-G"}}, {$project: {segmentname:"$scenes.name", timingid: "$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.id", timingstart:"$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.start", timingstop:"$scenes.records.timeProfile.timing.stop"}} )
{ "result" : [ ], "ok" : 1 }