我有一个 gnuplot 脚本来跟踪某些参数随时间的变化。这适用于我们 linux 网络上的所有桌面,除了一个:
gnuplot -geometry 1024x768 -persist << EOF
set datafile separator ","
set datafile missing ""
set size 1.0, 1.0
set origin 0.0, 0.0
# set key at 0,0
set key spacing 1.3
set key horiz ins top center box lw 0
set border 3
set multiplot
set size 0.45,0.45
set origin 0.02,0.02 #bottom left Tl H2
set grid
set xdata time
set timefmt "%d/%m/%y"
# set xtics format "%d/%m/%y"
set xrange ["$thirty_days_ago":"$todays_date_4_2"]
set xtics rotate nomirror
set xtics "$thirty_days_ago",172800,"$todays_date_4_2"
set yrange [0:30]
set ytics nomirror
set title "Tl201 CFOV $l H2" font "Helvetica"
plot \
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tl_h2_qc_s' using 1:17 pt 5 ti ' NEMA Diff (%)' with linespoints,\
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tl_h2_qc_s' using 1:16 lt 3 pt 5 ti 'NEMA Int (%)' with linespoints,\
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tl_h2_qc_s' using 1:12 lt 4 pt 5 ti 'CoV (%)' with linespoints
set origin 0.02,0.52 #top left Tl H1
set title "Tl201 CFOV $l H1"
if ("$camera2" eq "blue1" || "$camera2" eq "red1") plot \
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tl_h1_qc_s' using 1:17 pt 5 ti ' NEMA Diff (%)' with linespoints,\
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tl_h1_qc_s' using 1:16 lt 3 pt 5 ti 'NEMA Int (%)' with linespoints,\
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tl_h1_qc_s' using 1:12 lt 4 pt 5 ti 'CoV (%)' with linespoints
set origin 0.52,0.02 #bottom right Tc H2
set title "Tc99m CFOV $l H2"
plot \
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tc_h2_qc_s' using 1:17 pt 5 ti ' NEMA Diff (%)' with linespoints,\
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tc_h2_qc_s' using 1:16 lt 3 pt 5 ti 'NEMA Int (%)' with linespoints,\
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tc_h2_qc_s' using 1:12 lt 4 pt 5 ti 'CoV (%)' with linespoints
set origin 0.52,0.52 #top right
set title "Tc99m CFOV $l H1"
if ("$camera2" eq "blue1" || "$camera2" eq "red1") plot \
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tc_h1_qc_s' using 1:17 pt 5 ti ' NEMA Diff (%)' with linespoints,\
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tc_h1_qc_s' using 1:16 lt 3 pt 5 ti 'NEMA Int (%)' with linespoints,\
'/misc/${camera2}_data/${camera2}/${qc}/tc_h1_qc_s' using 1:12 lt 4 pt 5 ti 'CoV (%)' with linespoints
unset multiplot
为什么这么乱?当我单击切换网格按钮时,我丢失了 4 个图中的 3 个,但一个图看起来更像它应该的。
这似乎不是 gnuplot 的问题,而是我的 linux 设置。我正在运行 RedHat Client 5.8 版。任何想法这里发生了什么