Do you know any modern JavaScript blog engine or script which runs on client side? I am not talking about node.js, but rather a script which doesn't need more than static WWW server (i.e. no PHP).

It should:

  • fetch blog posts from some JS database (e.g. localStorage, external JSON backend)
  • render them using some HTML template
  • allow to link to specific post
  • possibly allow to edit posts and send them back to the database?

I know about JavascriptMVC, AngularJS, Backbone, Knockout, etc., but they are rather frameworks than complete apps. I'm searching for something similar to the old JSCMS.

Update: Searching through GitHub I have found some desirable projects: MiniLOL and Static Site CMS. Do you know any more?


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于 2012-12-04T14:55:42.303 回答