以下是 PIL 可能提出的一些建议:



接下来是生成这些数字的代码。我并没有把它做得很好,它可以在很多方面进行改进。将此视为一个示例,说明您可能需要做些什么才能为您的问题找到解决方案。要使用任何类型的字体,您都需要一个实际的排版系统,例如 LaTeX。
import sys
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
# Assumption: some other piece of code separates the data in the following
# format.
line1 = [("Pos. :", 0), ("123456789012345", 0)]
line2 = [("Name. :", 0), ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO", 0)]
line3 = [("Str. ", 0), (":", -0.5), ("SOMESTRINGSOMEST", -0.5)]
line4 = [("Wave 1:", 0), ("_XXXX_X____X_X_", 0)]
line5 = [("Wave 2:", 0), ("__XX_XXX_X__X_X", 0)]
line_data = [line1, line2, line3, line4, line5]
# Texts to draw over the last element, in specific positions,
# of lines present in line_data.
subscript = {
2: { # Meaning: third item in line_data
0: "170", # Meaning: draw "170" over the first char
len(line3[-1][0]) - 1: "185", # Draw "185" over the last char
7: "180", # Meaning: draw "180" over the eight char
4: {5: "hi"},
3: {6: "ops"}
# If the following fonts are not mono spaced, you are going to suffer.
# Normal font.
font = ImageFont.truetype('FreeMono.ttf', 40)
# Font for subscript.
font_tiny = ImageFont.truetype('FreeMono.ttf', 20)
im = Image.new("RGBA", (1000, 1000), 'white')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
line_offset = 4
start_y = 6
width_A, height_A = font.getsize('A')
_, height_tiny_A = font_tiny.getsize('A')
# Collect even columns from the last item of list line1.
even_columns = []
x = 0
for i, (text, _) in enumerate(line1):
for j, letter in enumerate(text):
if i == len(line1) - 1 and not j % 2:
x += width_A
# Write all lines.
width = 0
l_start_y = start_y
for di, data in enumerate(line_data):
x = 0
for i, (text, xoff) in enumerate(data):
for j, letter in enumerate(text):
# Apply x offset.
extra = width_A * xoff
draw.text((x + extra, l_start_y), letter, font=font, fill='black')
x += width_A
width = max(x, width)
l_start_y += height_A + line_offset
# Collect letter positions from the lines that will have subscripts.
letter_pos = {}
for k in subscript:
letter_pos[k] = {}
x = sum(len(text) for text, _ in line_data[k][:-1]) * width_A
text, xoff = line_data[k][-1]
for i in range(len(text)):
extra = width_A * xoff
letter_pos[k][i] = x + extra
x += width_A
# Write all subscripts.
for k, v in subscript.items():
line = line_data[k]
for pos, text in v.items():
x = letter_pos[k][pos]
y = start_y + (line_offset + height_A) * k
y -= height_tiny_A * 0.4 # XXX A poor heuristic that worked here.
draw.text((x, y), text, font=font_tiny, fill='black')
width = max(width, int(x + font_tiny.getsize(text)[0]))
# Draw grey columns.
columns = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, 'white')
mask = Image.new("L", im.size, 'white')
for x in even_columns:
columns.paste((128, 128, 128), (x, line_offset, x + width_A, l_start_y))
mask.paste(164, (x, line_offset, x + width_A, l_start_y), )
im = Image.composite(im, columns, mask)
# Crop and save the resulting image.
im.crop((0, 0, width, l_start_y + 2)).save(sys.argv[1])