Hi guys, I know most of people faced the problem same like me. But I still cant solve this problems. I had build android app and this app is using Google Map API and Google Places API. I had signed my apk file using Eclipse wizard, but when I transfer it to my tab (taiwan product) using SD Card it said "application not installed". I never installed this app with debug key before. All others Google Map apps I downloaded from Play store can use well in this tab. I set min android version is 2.2 and highest is 4.0.3. My tab running on 4.0.3. I also tried to install this app to other brands low end tablet, and it was successful. But in my tablet, it failed. Anybody have idea why I can't install this signed apk file? I had tried so much to solve this. thanks..


1 回答 1


在每个 Android 用户的生活中,都有一段时间您想要安装在 Android Market 中找不到的应用程序。如果这是您第一次尝试安装,则会收到“为了安全起见,您的手机已设置为阻止安装不是从 Android Market 获得的应用程序”的消息。但是我们如何到达那里?

要允许从非电子市场应用程序安装应用程序,请点击主屏幕上的菜单按钮,然后选择设置 >> 应用程序 >> 未知来源。

这些“未知来源”是谁,他们想要什么?简而言之,它是 Android Market 以外的任何东西。可能是通过电子邮件发送的应用程序。或者从网站下载。

如果您担心允许未知来源的安全隐患,有一个简单的解决方法 - 从 Android Market 外部安装应用程序,然后再次点击复选框将其关闭。


于 2012-12-04T12:51:26.020 回答