As written in the title: How to write this SQL statement correctly?
count(m.switch_ip) as macentries,
(select arpentries from (select sl1.switch_ip, sl1.switch_name, count(ar.switch_ip) as arpentries
from my_switchlist sl1
left Join my_arptable ar on ar.switch_ip = sl1.switch_ip
group by sl1.switch_ip,sl1.switch_name
order by sl1.switch_ip))
from my_switchlist sl
left Join my_mactable m on m.switch_ip = sl.switch_ip
group by sl.switch_ip,sl.switch_name
order by sl.switch_ip
The select and the sub-select work fine if they are executed separately. But as soon as I put them together I get the following error:
Error: A subquery has returned not exactly one row.
SQLState: 21000
ErrorCode: -284
Position: 470